Mental Health
Substance Use
Medfield Outreach
Know Your Peers!

What is the most common mental health disorder in the US?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Which organ in the body is primarily responsible for metabolizing and breaking down alcohol?

The liver


Medfield Outreach has four staff members. Name three of them.

Mia, Teddy, Kyler, Kathy


What percentage of MHS freshmen reported that they did NOT drink alcohol in the past 30 days (according to 2021 MWAHS)?



Describe one way in which mental health and substance use are related.

Possible answers: poor mental health can cause substance use; substance use can cause poor mental health; there are common causes of mental health challenges and substance use, etc.


What is the estimated prevalence of mental health disorders among US adults? 

1 in 5 people or 20%


What is the medical term for unpleasant physical/psychological symptoms that occur when an individual abruptly stops using alcohol or other substances they are dependent on?



Medfield Outreach offers three major types of services. Name two types.

  • Free and confidential counseling

  • Needs-based assistance and referrals

  • Prevention programming (substance use prevention & suicide prevention)


What percentage of MHS students experienced anxiety symptoms in 2021 (according to 2021 MWAHS)?



Name one way that stigma (negative attitudes/judgements) affects people with addiction/substance use disorder.

Possible answers: makes it less likely that they seek help/treatment for fear for fear of being judged, can decrease factors that promote recovery (e.g., supportive relationships, stable employment, etc.)


What is the average delay in onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment?

11 years 


What are three factors that might increase someone’s likelihood of using alcohol or other substances? 

Possible answers: family history, trauma, mental health and access to mental health care, lack of knowledge about risks, easy access to/availability of substances, social acceptance of substance use, injuries/surgeries (for opioid use), occupation, etc.  


Name two community assistance programs offered by Medfield Outreach. 

  • Community Assistance Fund

  • Holiday Gift Program

  • Camperships

  • Pond Passes

  • Birthday Wishes

  • Connecting to local or state programs

  • Partnership with youth sports

  • Case Management

  • Coat program with Knights of Columbus donation

  • Backpack program


What percentage of MHS seniors overestimated the number of MHS students who drank alcohol in the past 30 days (according to 2021 MWAHS)?



In 2021, the prevalence of depressive symptoms among students who used marijuana in the past 30 days was ____ times that of students who did not (according to 2021 MWAHS).

Prevalence of depressive symptoms was 1.7 times as high for students who used marijuana in the past 30 days (35% versus 20%).


Among those who receive treatment for mental health disorders, around what percent report significant reduction of symptoms and improved quality of life?

Estimated 70-90%

What is the estimated prevalence of substance use disorders among people in the US aged 12 and older? 

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health Data: "In 2022, 48.7 million people aged 12 or older (or 17.3%) had a substance use disorder (SUD) in the past year, including 29.5 million who had an alcohol use disorder (AUD), 27.2 million who had a drug use disorder (DUD), and 8.0 million people who had both an AUD and a DUD."


What is the name of the CDC Grant that funds substance use prevention programming work of Medfield Outreach?

Drug Free Communities (DFC) Grant


Which of the following was NOT among the top four barriers to seeking help for emotional challenges at school among MHS students (according to 2021 MWAHS)? 

A. Wouldn’t have time/wouldn’t want to miss class

B. Belief that counseling wouldn’t help 

C. Belief that problems should be handled on your own

D. Fear of other students knowing 

E. Not knowing who to go to 

E. Not knowing who to go to 


How much did Massachusetts receive as part of a multistate settlement with Juul over the company's tactics that targeted young people? 

$41 million (part of $462 million settlement with six states and the District of Columbia)


What is the name the main book for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in the US?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or “the DSM”

How much is spent on advertising from big alcohol and big tobacco companies each year?

>$15 billion 


In 2023, how many hours were spent in total by Medfield Outreach staff providing clinical services? 

~1300 hours! 


In 2021, the prevalence of depressive symptoms among students who vaped in the past 30 days was ____ times that of students who did not (according to 2021 MWAHS).

Prevalence of depressive symptoms was twice as high for students who vaped in the past 30 days (40% versus 20%). 


On average, how many likes do Medfield Outreach Instagram posts get? 

10 (Help change this! Follow us on Instagram @medfieldoutreach) 
