The more you have of it, the less you see
Which chemical element is the most common in air?
Who are the main protagonists of Máj?
Hynek, Vilém, Jarmila
Ann Boleyn + 3 pieces of info
2nd wife of Henry VIII.
mother of Eli I.
Who was Sigmund Freud and what is he famous for?
German psychoanalyst
Free association, libido, ego-superego-id, oidipus complex
Where does today come before yesterday?
the dictionary
What is not indentical with identical twins?
Their fingerprints
Who wrote 1984 and what is it about?
Orwell, dystopian novel, Big brother
Who invented contact lenses?
Otto Wichterle
I have a _______." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Which historical moment was it conected with?
Civil rights movement in the USA in the 60s.
What gives you ability to walk through walls?
the doors
DNA stands for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
What are:
the end of the play/book
Miloš Forman (+4 films)
Přelet nad kukačím hnízdem
Lásky jedné plavovlásky
Hoří, má panenko
What´s epithelium?
protective layer of compactly packed cells
forms tissue
What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?
your right elbow
Which edible thing doesn't expire and is very beneficial for health
Name two books/theatre plays from Václav Havel
Zahradní slavnost
C.S. Lewis
Chronicles of Narnia
What is absolute value in mathematics?
What is absolute value of -3
the non-negative value of � without regard to its sign. Namely, |�|=�
if �
is a positive number, and |�|=−�
if �
is negative (in which case negating �
makes −�
positive), and |0|=0
For example, the absolute value of 3 is 3, and the absolute value of −3 is also 3.
When I take five and add six, I get eleven, but when I take six and add seven, I get one. What am I?
a clock
What's the name of Voldemort in Harry Potter?
Tom Riddle
What books are those people from?
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy
Jean Valjean
Henry Higgins
Josef K.
Pride and Prejudice
Les Miserables
Antonín Důra
Rozmarné léto, the owner of the river "spa"
Name at least 5 people from our history and 5 poeple from the world history who were assasinated
st. Ludmila
st. Václav
Albrecht z Valdštejna
František Ferdinand d'Este + Žofie Chotková
Reinhard Heydrich
Gaius Julius Caesar
Abraham Lincoln
Grigorij Jefimovič Rasputin
Mahátma Gándhí
John F. Kennedy