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Colors of Pride

The "Audre Lorde Award" is an annual literary award to honor the works of these people, to whom Audre Lorde belonged.

Who are lesbian poets?


Before receiving his Masters in Music from Julliard, Mark Miller went to this university, a place he still calls home.

What is Yale University?


Mark Miller's 2011 arrangement of this song is currently in the Worship and Song hymnal of the United Methodist Church.

What is "Draw the Circle Wide?"


This organization was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, at Ebenezer Baptist Church, by Bayard Rustin, among others: SCLC

What is the Southern Christian Leadership Conference?


Pink, purple, and blue

What is the Bisexual Pride Flag?


Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician, physicist, logician, biologist, philosopher, and this profession, meaning someone who analyzes and breaks secret codes.

What is a cryptanalyst?


Audre Lorde received a master’s in library science from this university, not to be confused with the country.

What is Columbia University?


This man's play, "The Normal Heart," was centered around his frustration with people's apathy towards the queer community during the AIDS crisis.

Who is Larry Kramer?


This machine, one of the first prototypes for a store-program computer, was created by Alan Turing: ACE

What is the Automatic Computing Engine?


Pink, yellow, and blue

What is the Pansexual Pride Flag?


Bayard Rustin helped plan this event in 1963, using plans for an early version scrapped in 1941 after then-President Roosevelt issued the Fair Employment Act.

What is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?


Alan Turing graduated from King's College in this city, known for its namesake university, of which King's College was part.

What is Cambridge?


This movie came out in 2014, based on the 1983 biography "Alan Turing: The Enigma" by Andrew Hodges.

What is "The Imitation Game?"


Marsha P. Johnson was a founding member of this organization, along with Martha Shelley and Marty Robinson: GLF

What is the Gay Liberation Front?


Black and white

What is the Straight Pride Flag?


Mark Miller has served on this committee of the United Methodist Church since 2017, which, as its name suggests, provides edits for the United Methodist Hymnal.

What is the Hymnal Revision Committee?


Though he never graduated from college, Bayard Rustin spent 5 years at this school, founded in 1847 as the first free public institution of higher education in the United States.

What is the City College of New York?


This poem, the most famous of Audre Lorde's works, was made into a documentary published in 1995.

What is "A Litany for Survival?"


A protest organization founded by Larry Kramer in 1987 with the goal of gaining more public action to fight the AIDS crisis: ACT UP

What is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power?


Pink, green, and blue

What is the Polysexual Pride Flag?


Karen Oliveto held this position at the Pacific School of Religion, where she also taught United Methodist history, doctrine, polity, and evangelism.

What is the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs?


Karen Oliveto received her PhD in religion and society in 2002 from this university.

What is Drew University?


Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were banned from this year's pride rally because "drag queens were giving them a bad name" — but they just marched ahead of the parade in defiance.

What is 1973?


Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson co-founded this organization, which worked to shelter unhoused gay and trans youth: STAR

What are the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries?


Green, light green, white, grey, and black

What is the Aromantic Pride Flag?
