I'm a talented person. I love soccer and I had won a lot of championships. My jersey number is ten and I'm from Argentina. Who am I?
How many conditionals do we learn in unit 1?
Three conditionals: zero, first and second
The weekend was boring / bored.
What is the correct adjective?
What is the capital of Tabasco?
This object is used to cook in high temperatures. It has a round shape with a handle. It is the most common kitchen object.
What is the structure of the first conditional?
If + pronoun + verb in simple present (condition)
Pronoun + future simple (result)
Or viceversa
How do you say "atento a los detalles" in English?
Attention to detail
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
This object is used to drink water, soda or coffee. It is large and thin. It is made of plastic or metal.
If you study, you learn.
Is this a second conditional sentence?
No! It is a zero conditional sentence.
What is the meaning of "high pressure decision making"?
Toma de decisiones bajo presión
Spell the teacher's last name correctly.
How do you say "rallador de queso" in English?
Cheese grater
You will need a raincoat if it's start to rain.
Is this a first conditional sentence?
Say the number "369" in English
Three hundred sixty nine
Do 10 push ups without stopping.
How do you say "término medio" in English?
Medium rare
If I ____ money, I ____ buy an ice cream.
Complete the second conditional sentence.
had / would
Say the following phone number in English:
Nine hundred fourteen, six hundred seventy eight, two thousand and forty eight