What is Rachel's favorite color?
What is: Sea green?
What is Jenny's favorite color?
What is: Blue?
What is Layla's favorite color?
What is: Hot pink?
What is Lindi's favorite color?
What is: Light blue?
What is Hazel's favorite color?
When is Rachel's birthday?
When is: February 1th?
When is Jenny's birthday?
When is: Sept. 15th?
When is Layla's birthday?
When is: Aug. 26th?
When is Lindi's birthday?
When is: Sep. 16th 2013?
When is Hazel's Birthday?
When is: July 15th 2012?
What would Rachel dip a chicken nugget in?
What is: Ranch and Ketchup?
What would Jenny dip a chicken nugget in?
What is: Sweet and sour sauce?
What would Layla dip a chicken nugget in?
What is: Ranch?
What would Lindi dip a chicken nugget in?
What is: Ketchup?
What would Hazel dip a chicken nugget in?
What is: Yellow mustard?
What is Rachel's favorite food?
What is: Fish tacos?
What is Jenny's favorite food?
What is: Chinese food?
What is Layla's favorite food?
What is: Hawaiian garlic chicken or BBQ or Asian food?
What is Lindi's favorite food?
What is: Pasta?
What is Hazel's favorite color?
What is:Pears
Where was Rachel born?
Where is: Issaquah?
Where was Jenny born?
Where is: Seattle WA?
Where was Layla born?
Where is: Hawaii
Where was Lindi born?
Where is:Washington?
Where was Hazel born?