This Sport has 11 players on each Team
What is Football(Soccer)?
This Primary Colour is also on the Danish Flag
What is Red?
This Animal is often called the King of the Jungle
What is a Lion?
Celebrated on the 24th or 25th of December
What is Christmas?
This form of potato is often served at fastfood restaurants.
What are French Fried/Chips?
Players of this sport are typically very tall
What is Basketball?
Many often use this color when drawing the sun
What is yellow?
This striped cat is the largest cat in the world
What is a tiger?
June, July and August are what make up this season
What is Summer?
These berries are often served with cream in the summer
What are Strawberries?
Niklas Landin is a goalkeeper in this sport
What is Handball?
When there are no clouds, the sky is this colour during daytime
What is Blue?
This animal uses its long neck to reach the top of the trees
What is a Giraffe?
What is Spring?
What is duck?
This sport is done with a partner with music
what is Dancing?
By Mixing Blue and Yellow you get this Colour
What is Green?
There is both an African and Asian version of this large land animal
What is an Elephant?
This season has the 9th, 10th, and 11th months in it.
What is Autumn/Fall?
you make this food by putting meat and vegetables between two slices of bread
what is a Sandwich/burger?
This wintersport is played inside and is very popular in Canada
By mixing Red and Yellow you get this warm colour
What is Orange?
The largest bird in the world
What is an Ostrich?
February is the last month of this season
What is Winter?
What is Tomato?