who won the Fortnite world cup
who is bugah
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who is nick eh 30
what was the longest season in chapter 2
what is chapter 2 season 1
who was the person behind the main leader in the seven
who is the rock
what was the best movement in chapter 5 season 1
what is the grapple blade
what is the rarest skin
what is the renegade raider
who was considered the Fortnite player in og Fortnite
who ended chapter 2
who is cube queen
who cam to Fortnite in chapter 3 season 1
who is spider man
what was the of brand version of the shock wave
what is the impluse grenade
what was the greatest thing about the quad crasher witch was latter taken out
what is flying in a quad crasher
who broke the number of viewers on twitch
who is ninja and drake
what was the most hated season in chapter 2
what is chapter 2 season 6
what was the most famous colab
what is marvel
Imagine if got a low taper fade
Who is ninja?
when did fncs start
what is season x
why is courgage jd banned from Fortnite tournaments
what is a weight limit?
what was the best season in this chapter
what is chapter 2 season 2
who was the first Storts colab
what is the NFL
what is the movement item that you can get beamed when using it
what are the wings
The rarest gun that was only in the game for 30 mins
What is the zappatron
who was one of the most liked fortnite creators but later quit
who is fearless?
what was the gun that tony stark brought to Fortnite
what is the repulser
what was the colab every one wanted
what is petter Griffen
what was the movemeant that only has 20 uses
what is the grappler