Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Types of Inheritance

What is the primary cause of Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

DMD is primarily caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene located on the X chromosome. These mutations result in the absence or deficiency of the dystrophin protein.


What type of inheritance in DMD

X linked recessive


By what age should a child be walking?

18 months


How does the absence of dystrophin lead to muscle degeneration in DMD?

Dystrophin is a structural protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of muscle cells - links intracellular actin with the extracellular matrix, which stabilises the sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane). It provides structural support to the muscle fibres and helps protect them from damage during muscle contractions.

Without dystrophin, the muscle cell membrane becomes more susceptible to damage during muscle contractions. This leads to an influx of calcium into the muscle cell, triggering a cascade of events that result in muscle cell death, fibrosis, and diminished cardiac contractile function  


What type of inheritance is sickle cell disease

Autosomal recessive


At what age is it expected for babies to start smiling in response to stimuli?

6 to 8 weeks


Name some investigative tests for DMD (3)

  • Serum creatine kinase, an enzyme which leaks out of damaged muscle cells. The level of CK is typically elevated from birth and peaks around the age of 2, after which it steadily declines due to progressive muscle wasting.
  • Genetic analysis: to identify known muscular dystrophy mutations.
  • Muscle biopsy: to enable analysis of the dystrophin protein.

What are some developmental milestones for a 5 year old?

Gross motor - skips and hops

Fine motor - draws squares and triangles

Speech, language, hearing - fluent speech

Social, behavioural - can dress and undress


What is calf pseudohypertrophy, and why is it a characteristic feature of DMD?

Calf pseudohypertrophy is the enlargement of the calf muscles, giving a false appearance of muscle hypertrophy. In DMD, this is due to the replacement of muscle tissue with fat and connective tissue, masking the underlying muscle wasting.


What are some developmental milestones at 18 months?


Builds a 3-block tower

10 words and can 4 identify body parts

Can hold a spoon to feed


Besides skeletal muscles, how does Duchenne muscular dystrophy affect other organ systems?

In DMD, cardiac muscles can undergo fibrosis and hypertrophy, leading to cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Respiratory muscles weaken over time (e.g. diaphragm and accessory muscles), resulting in respiratory insufficiency and the potential need for ventilatory support.


Give 5 developmental red flags 

Not smiling by 10 weeks

Not sitting unsupported by 12 months

Not walking by 18 months

Showing hand preference before 12 months (normally at 18 months) - can be a sign of neurological problems 

Not knowing 2-6 words before 18 months
