The ________ is the three Persons in One God
Blessed Trinity
The gospel means:
Good News
God leads us towards _____ with Him
a. temporal life b. eternal life c. some years
eternal life
You shouldn’t ________ one hour before receiving communion.
Who do we receive during the Eucharist
The word Catholic means
a. Good news b. Son of God c. God saves
The fact that God created us to love and serve Him shows us___.
a. how special we are to him.
b. that he does not always love us.
c. that we were not made good.
how special we are to him.
Which sacraments are you getting ready for?
Which day of the week did Jesus rose from the dead?
The special place in a church where the Holy Eucharist is kept
a. tabernacle b. consecration c. holy
How many Gods are there?
What did Jesus do for us?
Die for us to give us eternal life
Who is the Pope?
The leader of the Catholic Church
Who baptist Jesus?
John the Baptist
When is Jesus birthday?
December 25
Another name for Communion is ________.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph are
The Holy Family
________ is the other name for the birth of Jesus.
a. nativity b. blessing c. advent
______ is the man who has received the sacraments of Holy Orders and can say the Mass and hear our confessions.
Mary was conceived without..?
Original Sin
This is the sacrament where you say the Act of Contrition
________ is the part of Mass in which the Death and Resurrection of Christ are made present again through the Body and Blood of Christ which we recieve in Holy Communion.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
__________ is the part of the mass where we listen and respond to God’s Word.
Liturgy of the Word
The seasons of the Church Year are: _________, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter and Ordinary Time.
The saints are remembered because they helped spread the ___________
Holy Spirit