Who were the first People on Earth
Adam And Eve
Whats the first book of the Bible
Who was Jesus's Mom
What was the first Verse of the Bible
"In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth"
Who were the first people on Earth
Adam and Eve
Who Parted the Red Sea
What book was Jesus Crucified
What did Satan take form as to manipulate Eve
A Serpent
What's the shortest Bible Verse
"Jesus Wept"
How many years did Moses and his People Wander the desert
40 Years
Who Baptized Jesus
John The Baptist
What is the last book of the Bible
Where was Jesus Born
What is John 3:16(recite the verse)
"For God Loved the World that he Gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
With what did David kill Goliath
Who was thrown in the fire
Shadrach,Meshack and Abendigo
What is the longest book of the Bible
What is God's promise never to flood the Earth again
The Rainbow
What is the most famous thing Jesus said on the cross
"Father,forgive them for they know not what they do."
Who turned in Jesus
Who was the first murderer
What is the Shortest book of the Bible
2 John and 3 John
What did the Dove have in it's mouth to show Noah the flood was over
Olive Branch
What is the last verse of the bible
Revelation 22:21- "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen."
Who denied Jesus three times before the roosters crowed