Tam's Hometown
What is San Diego, CA?
Tam's Brother's Name
What is Vu?
True or false: Tam has been to Vietnam
What is false?
Tam's job title
What is Senior Software Engineer?
Tam lived in this neighborhood when she first moved to Portland
What is Sellwood?
Tam's DOB
What is March 6, 1994?
Tam's niece's name
What is Allison?
Tam is going to these two countries this month.
Puerto Rico and Costa Rica.
Tam's college mascot
What is Sagehen?
One of Tam's favorite Vietnamese restaurants in Portland
What is Ha VL or Paper Bridge?
Tam's Middle name
What is Minh?
Tam's SIL's name
Tam's first solo international trip was in this country.
Tam's favorite kind of food
What is noodles?
Tam takes ceramics classes here
Whats is the Multnomah Arts Center?
Tam played these instruments growing up
What are the piano and flute?
Tam's Dad's name
What is Quan?
In December 2017, Tam visited these 3 cities in Japan.
What is Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.
Tam got Otter in this year
What is 2022?
Tam purchased her home in this year
What is 2023?
Tam's High School
What is The Preuss School UCSD?
Tam's Mother's Maiden Name
What is Le?
Tam got these 4 tattoos on her Euro trip in Fall of 2023.
Tam's shoe size
What is 6/6.5?
Tam's favorite "beach" in Portland
What is Willow Bar on Sauvie Island?