Exploring Careers
College Options
College Majors
Financial Aid
What was the name of the game we played about careers?
Career Charades/Guesstures
What does the acronym SMART stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Timely
How many universities are in the state of Maryland?
What is a college major?
The academic discipline that an undergraduate student commits to pursue in college/university.
How many types of financial are there? Name all of them.
Four (Grants, Scholarships, Work-Study, and Loans)
What influences the classes we choose in school and the careers we want for ourselves?
Our interests, Our abilities, Our skills,
How are SMART goals and the 4 year high school plan related to college plans?
Both help you map out your goals and plans for the future. The 4 year plan can help guide what classes to take based on the career interest.
What was the key message from the perfect prom dress activity?
Selecting a prom dress is a fun experience because it is an opportunity to express yourself and your style. Selecting a college works the same way. You have to consider the right fit so that you are able to do your very best.
What do you have to consider when you choose a college major?
To find a college major that fits you, you have to know what you like to do, what you are good at, and what you want to achieve. Once you know your interests, abilities and goals, you can match then with a college major and career possibilities.
Which financial aid do you not have to pay back?
Grants, Scholarships and Work-Study
Say at least two points you were asked to consider when you created your career flyer
Job description, Skills needed, Education required, Salary range, Work environment
Write a SMART goal for a girl who wants to pass the MSA's
Answer may vary
What type of degrees can you get at a vocational school, community college, and a 4 year university?
Vocational School: Certification (usually takes a few months to a year) Community College: Associate Degree (takes two years) Four Year University: Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate
What college major should Janice pursue if she wants to own a business? What college major should Sally pursue if she wants to be a teacher?
Business Administration. Education.
What is work-study and how can one get it?
The Federal Work Study program is a federally funded program that assists students with the cost of post-secondary education. It helps students earn money through part-time work. To qualify, students need to apply for FAFSA.
What is the difference between having a job and having a career?
Having a career is fulfilling because you are doing what you are passionate about, having a job is working just for an income but not towards building a career.
How can SMART goals be used in other parts of our lives?
Achieving any dream takes preparation and follow-through, setting SMART goals help identify where you want to go and what you have to do to get there.
What type of post secondary institution is Towson University?
A) Gender Specific B) Traditional C) Historically Black College D) Community College
It is OK to take your time to select your college major. TRUE or FALSE. Why?
FALSE. When planning to attend college one place to start is to explore a college major that fits you. You need to know what you like to do, what you are good at and what you want to achieve. Once you know your interests, abilities and goals you can match them with a college major and career possibilities.
Some students can get financial aid based on grades/GPA, what could be three other ways to get financial aid?
Be the first in your family to go to college, a special talent or ability, career specific, scholarship for minorities, and community service