What is a main point an argument I trying to prove
that there side is right
why is it important to consider ounterarguemnts when yiu are makinng an arguemnt
ro understand the other side
three main parts of a argumentive essay
introduction nbody paragraph and conclusion
two amin types of figurative langauge
firgues of speech and soudn devices
a comerical shows a sad puppy in a shelter to enccoruage viewers to adopt. what appeal is being used
it ueses emtional appeal to play on the viewrs feeling s
two types of evidence used to support
evidence and expert opion
what is a rebuttal
a response to a counter arguemnt
what is a thesis statement
a clear concise statement
the starts danced playfully in the sky what type of figrue of speechc used
what is personfiction
a docter with 20 years of experience recomends this type of vitamin s
using credibitily
what is the diffrence between a fact and opinion
a fact is true and opion is based of what your think
what is teh purpose of a rebuttal
to refuate a counter arguemnt
purpose of a topic sentace
to introduce the main idea of a paragraph
he was so nervous he is like a fish out of water what kind is it
how a speaker might use logos in a debate about climate change.
By presenting scientific data, research findings, or statistics related to rising temperatures, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.
what do reliable sources end with
edu and gov
example a concession with a rebutal
"While it's true that [counterargument], it's important to remember that [your point]
explain the diffrence bwteen a perswssive essay and argument
a perswasive essay plays on emtional and nit facts but arguemntive relays on examples and facts
what is the defreance bwyeen a metaphor and a simile
a simile uses like or as and a metaphor states something as something else
Analyze a short speech or advertisement and identify at least two rhetorical appeals being used and how they work together
haveing a specific example and pointing out
my friend says a movies boring but is this a fact or opion
this is a opion
how can acknolegding a counter argument make you rarguemnt stronger
it shows you that consider all sides of the argument
why do you use trasition words
to create a flow of ideas
idenyify the metaphor
he looks likes a tree that is out of water
hwo can understanding rehitical appeal help
its helps you analyze how messages are trying to persaude you