The wedding Feast
In the story about Mary and Martha who invited Jesus into their house?
A: Mary and Martha
B: Peter and John
C: Jesus never went to a house
A: Mary and Martha invited Him into their house
What was Leprosy? Was it good or bad?
It was a skin disease that hurt very bad and many people were very afraid of it.
Who are we praying to when we pray?
God , through Jesus
There were 5 virgins that brought something with them and 5 that did not. What did the 5 virgins who were prepared bring with them?
extra oil
What did the woman use to wipe the feet of Jesus?
200 Bonus: what did she use to anoint his feet?
Her hair
200 Bonus: what did she use to anoint his feet?
True or false?
Mary was the one who prepared the meal while martha listened to Jesus talk and teach?
Martha was the one who prepared the food, mary sat and listened
When Jesus healed the 10 men with Leprosy how many of them came back to tell Jesus thank you?
A: All 10
B: 2
C: 1
D: 0
C: 1
In the prayer Jesus is teaching who how to pray?
His disciples
After waiting for a very long time it was almost midnight and the unprepared virgins were running low on oil.Because the 5 virgins who were not prepared they had to go to the store to get more oil. What happened while they were gone?
The groom came and let in the 5 virgins that were prepared and he shut the door.
True or False:
The woman who simon had in his house that was anointing the feet of Jesus was a good woman who made good choices.
She had made some really bad choices in her life
In the Parable about the unforgiving servant Jesus was teaching a lesson on what?
A: controlling your anger
B: unlimited forgiveness
C: how to count money
D: the bible does not tell us
B: unlimited forgiveness
What is Jesus teaching us to pray for when he says
" Give us this day our daily bread"
200 bonus: can you tell me another part of the Lords prayer
He is reminding us to pray for our meals and that is it okay to ask God to help give us food if we do not have and and to say thank you when we do have food.
Once Jesus told a story about 3 men. These men were given talents from their master to hold on to until he returned. The first man received 5 talents. The second man received 3, and the last man got 1.
What did the last man do with his talent?
He buried it
Zacchaeous was so eager to see Jesus that he did what to see him when Jesus passed by?
Climbed a tree
200 bonus: what type of tree did he climb
True or False
A man was having a great dinner feast and sent out many invitations. When the time came for the feast everyone came to the feast but were very upset at the food he served.
The man sent out many invitations but when the time for the feast came everyone who was invited had an excuse as to why they were not going to come.
In the parable the king had a servant that owed him ALOT of money. What today would be like 1 million dollars. When it was time to pay the servant did not have the money. He begged the king to please have mercy on him. What did the king do?
Forgave him of his debt and did not send him to prison.
Jesus told a story about a 2 men who prayed. One of them prayed the right way and one prayed the wrong way. One man prayed very loudly making sure everyone could hear. The other prayed in secret, quietly. Who was correct?
The one who prayed in secret.
When the master came back to receive his talents, he was only happy with 2 of the 3 men. Who was he happy with and why?
The men that got 5 talents and 3 talents had worked hard and when the master returned that were able to double what they had received.
Zacchaeous had a job that nobody liked. He often would steal and cheat people. What was his job?
He was a tax collector
Jesus told the story about the Great wedding feast to help us to remember to always do what? What lesson does this story teach us.
It teaches us that we shouldnt ever make excuses. We have a chance to go to bible class and worship every sunday and wednesday and we should always try to go when we can! We should not turn down the invitation and say we are busy like the people in the story.
200 bonus: what type of story is this called
A Parable
Why did the servant in the parable of the unforgiving servant end up being thrown in jail along with his entire family?
The king found out that he had not forgiven a man who owed him just a little bit of money even though the king had just forgiven the servant of a VERY large debt.
The servant did not forgive others like he had been forgiven.
What part of the Lord's prayer is missing?
Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the Glory forever and ever. Amen
A: In Jesus name
B: Our Father who art in Heaven
C: now I lay me down to sleep
D: This is the whole prayer
Both parables teach us the same story. To prepare for what?
When jesus comes back, or the end of time.
The story about the woman annointing Jesus's feet and Zacchaeous teach us what?
A: You have to do something special for Jesus to notice you
B: Jesus can be hard to find
C: Jesus loves everyone even if you have done bad things
D: Jesus cannot forgive your sins