What is the real name of the Black Death??
What is the Bubonic Plague??
What are Bishops mostly responsible for??
What is leading a diocese??
In 1309 the Pope had to move to what city in France
What is Avignon
The Sacrament of Matrimony comes from the ____.
What is the Holy Spirit??
Which saint took care of the ill when the plague swept through Italy??
What/who is Saint Catherine??
To become a Priest, a man has to be ordained____.
What is deacon??
How many popes live in Avignon in 1305-1377
what is 7 popes??
What CAN'T a divorced and remarried Catholic couple receive??
What is communion??
Priest and religious sisters cared for the spirituals needs of the sick by____.
What is praying with them and celebrating the sacraments??
The Pope Selects certain Priests to become a___
What is Bishop??
What is France??
Name one thing a man and women must in order for a marriage to be valid.
What is- 1. must want to be married, 2. promise to be faithful to one another, 3. open to having kids?
Why did the Black Death put a strain of the Church??
What is many caretakers died while tending to others??
What religious orders do Priest take vows for?? (3)
What is Poverty, Chasity, and Obedience??
What the help of who, the Papacy finally returned to Rome.
What/who is Catherine of Siena??
What is Annulment??
What is Church can declare the Sacrament of Marriage didn't happen and Catholic can remarry and receive communion??