These two colors are identified as the official colors of 4H
Green and White
The official colors of WV
What is Old Gold and Blue
This counselor has visited London, England
Who is Patrick Carte
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
What is Spongebob Squarepants
An elephant makes this sound
What is *trumpet*
The four Hs
What is Head, Heart, Hands Health?
This bush was classified as the state flower in 1903
After falling on a trampoline at skyzone, this person had to have surgery on their shoulder.
Who is Ryan Swearengin
We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship
What is 'Little Einsteins'
A goose makes this sound
What is *Honk*
The original H before it was switched to what we know today as the "Health H"
What is Hustle
Famous basketball player from WVU that went on to become the symbol for the NBA logo
Who is Jerry West?
Who is Chelsea Price
We're not too big and we're not too tough, but if we work together we got the right stuff
What is 'Wonder Pets'
A wolf makes this sound
What is *howl*
The state where 4H originated from as an agriculture program for boys and girls
What is Ohio
An ice age creature that was first discovered in WV
They dressed up as a Spice Girl as council circle one year at 4H camp
Who is Kevin Bailey
This is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down
What is 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'
A duck-billed platypus makes this sound
What is *chatter*
These tribes were the original five discussed before voting and settling on the four we know today
What is Seneca, Cherokee, Mingo, Delaware, and Shawnee
The bunker hidden Greenbrier resort was first known as this name when it was a secret government project.
The Greek Island
This counselor not only has their motorcycle license, but also met famous boxer Mohammad Ali in high school
Who is Connie Phillips
So no one told you life was going to be this way
What is 'Friends'
A hyena makes this sound
What is *laugh/cackle*