They are said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts
The Holy Trinity is defined by which prayer
What's the Sign of The Cross
"There is one coming after me who is greater than I and whose sandal I am not worthy to undo! I baptize only with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
John the Baptist
The first sin and the beginning of all evil in the world.
What is original sin?
You shall not covet ________ and _________
What is your neighbor's wife and your neighbor's goods.
Annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ
What is Christmas
Blessed art thou among women (bendita eres entre todas las mujeres).
What is The Hail Mary
"The woman that you made for me- she gave me some of the fruit and so I ate it."
Where was Jesus baptized?
What is the Jordan River?
I am the Lord your God:_________________
What is you shall not have strange Gods before me.
A series of pictures or carving portraying events in the Passion of Christ
What is Stations of the Cross
Words such as daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, deliver us from evil.
What's The Lord's Prayer
"Father, we have fire and wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?"
God himself will provide the lamb the lamb for the sacrifice, my son."
Abraham and Isaac
The place we may go so God can cleanse us and make us perfect to be with him in heaven.
What is purgatory?
Remember to:________________________
What is keep holy the Lord's Day?
Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
What is Easter
Born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate
What is The Creed
" I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me."
Jesus (John 14:6)
On this day, Jesus was cheered on and people were waving palms when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
What is Palm Sunday?
You shall not _____, _____, _____ and _____
What is kill, commit adultery, steal and lie?
Displays the body of Jesus on it, and reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice and God's unconditional love and mercy
What is the Crucifix
Who taught us "Our Father"?
Pray Our Father
"If he is able to kill me, we Philistines will be your slaves, but if I kill him, you shall be our slaves."
A great wind filled the room. Flames like tongues of fire settled above them. This was a sign that the Holy Spirit had come to the disciples as Jesus promised.
What is the Penecost?
Name the greatest commandment
What is:
You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind... You shall love your neighbor as yourself?