Who can use the teacher materials?
Can you be in the room by yourself?
Water bottles go home on....
Name a way the teacher can get students' attention
class class, waterfall waterfall, countdown from 5, repeat pattern
polite, quietly, avoiding attention of others
I can sharpen my pencil whenever
Where should you fill your water bottle
in the class
cross two fingers
calm bodies, voices off, eyes forward, hands to self,
false, only adults
What happens when I misuse my ipad...
lose access for extended period of time
Before I ask the teacher I should...
Ask 3 before me -- friend, board/ resources, look around
When can I use the bathroom?
during non instructional times
false, 12:30
Name the emergency drills
evacuate, lock down, lock out, shelter
Name the correct order for lunch
cold, yogurt, alternate, hot, extra
My teacher is the best
Name 5 things you can do during indoor recess
color, read, draw, homework, teacher approved games
Name the at least 5 things you should do when lining up
put materials away, wait to be called, push in chair, line up in the order you were called, face forward, calm bodies, quiet voices