Convert this fraction into a decimal: 4/10
1.2, 1.7, 1.1, 1.0
3.65 + 1.21
9.66 - 3.24
Convert this fraction into a decimal: 5/6
13.64, 36.1, 136.4, 4.99
28.03- 19.94
Convert this fraction into a decimal: 6/19
Put these decimals in order from smallest to largest:
1.65, 10.6, 16.5, 1.95
1.65, 1.95, 10.6, 16.5
Write this decimal in standard form: one hundred twenty three and eight tenths.
three and nine hundredths or three and two tenths?
Put these decimals in order from smallest to largest: (you may write your answer in standard form)
thirteen hundredths, three and six tenths, six hundredths, one and one tenth
six tenths (.6), thirteen hundreths (.13), one and one hundredth (1.1) and three and six tenths (3.6)