This number is what we divide by or how many groups will be divided in a division problem.
What is the Divisor?
50 ÷ 10 = ___________
What is 5?
Division and multiplication are two of the four basic _______________?
What are Operations.
It is the answer to a division problem.
What is the Quotient?
200 ÷ 10 = ________
What is 20?
What are the two missing fact families.
3 x 2 = 6
2 x 3 = 6
What is 6/2 = 3 and 6/3 = 2?
This is the larger number in a division problem that is being split into equal groups.
What is the Dividend?
750 ÷ 10 = ___________
What is 75?
What are the parts of a multiplication problem?
What are factors and products?
The amount left over from a division problem that cannot be evenly divided or put in a group is called the _________.
What is the remainder?
Mrs. Wilkins has tickets to pass out to all of the classrooms for a program. She has 165 flyers and she needs to pass out an equal amount to 9 classrooms. Solve to find out how many each classroom would receive.
What is 18 flyers for each classroom. 3 flyers will be leftover.
1,000 ÷ 10 = ________
What is 100?
What are the parts of a division problem?
What is dividend, divisor, and quotient?
Division written in the form of numerator, division bar, and denominator is called ____________.
What is a Fraction?
10,000 ÷ 10 = __________
What is 1,000?
Write 3 multiplication or 3 division symbols.
What is x * ∙ for multiplication and what is ÷ / – : 厂 for division symbols?