What is theme?
The moral or the lesson of the story.
What are these: " "
Quotation marks
What part of speech is the Italic word?
She quickly ran up the stairs.
What does conclude mean?
finish, to end, to come to a decision
What do you call an alphabetical list of key names and terms used in a book? (hint it is located in the very back of a book)
An index
What does conclusion mean?
the ending of a story
Is "I think green beans taste terrible" an example of a fact or an opinion?
What part of speech is the Italic word?
The pepperoni pizza was my favorite.
What does plural mean?
multiple, more than one
Are the words listed synonyms or antonyms?
dark and light
What does setting mean?
where and when the story takes place
What is a context clue?
Hints or clues found within a passage that can help the reader to understand the meaning(s) of new words.
What part of speech is the Italic word?
She wrote a story about her family.
Define inference.
to make an educated guess
Are the words synonyms or antonyms?
friends and enemies
What does Central Idea mean?
What the text is mainly about.
What is a verb?
an action word
Put the commas in the sentence.
She ate a slice of pizza an apple grapes and a piece of cake.
She ate a slice of pizza, an apple, grapes, and a piece of cake.
Define homophone.
when words sound the same but have different meanings or spellings.
What genre is this: I am writing about some else's life story.
Double Jeopardy!!!!
Name 4 Text Features.
Heading, Bold Print, Underlined Words, Picture, Caption, Diagram, Index, Table of Contents, Glossary, etc.
Fix this sentence
julie asked are we going to the zoo the store or the mall
Julie asked, "Are we going to the zoo, the store, or the mall?"
Put the capitals in the correct place.
james ate at frank's pizza in roanoke.
James ate at Frank's Pizza in Roanoke.
Define heroic.
someone who does something brave that typically is putting themselves above others
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence
There,They're or Their going to the store.
What is a inference?
A guess using evidence from the text and your background knowledge or schema.
What is it called when you put a space at the start of a new paragraph?
What do we use apostrophes (') for?
To show ownership of an item
Ex: Lily's phone
What does ancestor mean?
a person who was in someone's family in the past time
What genre is this book: "Dog Man"
What is first person Point of View?
talking about one's self (ex: I, my, me)
What are the three author's purposes?
Put the apostrophe in the correct place.
Michaels hat was given to him by his friends grandfather.
Michael's hat was given to him by his friend's grandfather.
What text feature is located in the back of a book and gives definitions of words?
What type of writing is this:
I am explaining to someone how to do something step-by-step or explaining information on a topic.
Expository writing