What is 1.2 + 3.4?
The quotient of 478/6
What is 79 R 4
What is the verb in this sentence:
We ran so fast in P.E. today!
What is ran (the action word)
Mrs. ELLINGBOE has a dog. What is his/her name?
What is Jack.
Name a verb you could use to describe something in Phy. Ed.
What is running, jumping, playing (examples)
I bought an orange for $0.80. I also bought a banana for $0.99. I gave the cashier a $5.00 bill. How much money did they give me in change?
What is $3.21
What is 45 x 12
What is 540
What is wrong in this sentence:
My friend gina is going to come over this weekend.What is the name Gina (it should be capitalized because it is a proper noun)
Who is taller: Mrs. ELLINGBOE, Mrs. VOJTA, or Ms. Tschumperlin?
Who is Mrs. Ellingboe
We usually start school in the fall after a holiday weekend. What is that holiday weekend?
What is Labor Day weekend
In the number below, which digit is in the tenths place?
What is 4
What is the answer for a multiplication problem called?
What is the product
Is this a fact or an opinion:
My dog did the cutest thing yesterday when he sat up and begged for food!What is an opinion
Mrs. ELLINGBOE has a sibling. Is it a brother or sister?
BONUS points if you know his/her name!
What is a sister named Cathy
RIDDLE: What has a spine but no bones?
What is a book.
What is $3.45 + $4.79 + $0.84?
What is $9.08
What is 90/10? Now multiply this by 7.
What is 9, then what is 63
DAILY DOUBLE: What is an inference?
What is making an educated prediction about a situation based on what you know in your head and what you are reading in the text
Mrs. ELLINGBOE taught three ENCORE classes in the spring. What was the name of one of my classes?
What is Readers Theater or Cosmic Yoga
We went on three field trips this year with a partner school. What was the name of that school?
What is Lino Lakes Elementary
What is greater:
45 x 7 or 99 x 4
What is 99 x 4
45 x 7 = 315
99 x 4 = 396
How can you make this past tense:
Yesterday I jump over the hurdles and Mrs. Denzer says I am the winner.
What is:
Yesterday I jumped over the hurdles and Mrs. Denzer said I am the winner.
DAILY DOUBLE: Mrs. ELLINGBOE has a symbol on her water bottle from her favorite book/movie series. What book/movie is the symbol from?
What is Harry Potter
The state that Mrs. ELLINGBOE got married last summer
What is Montana