Place Value

Order the numbers from greatest to least:

183,302, 183,327, 183,281, and 183,394.

183,394 > 183,327 > 183,302 > 183,281


Which of the following is a reasonable estimate for 48 x 32? 

A. 900 

B. 2,000 

C. 1,500 

D. 2,500

C. 1,500

How many quarter turns do you need to create a full circle? How many degrees is a quarter turn?

4 quarter turns

90 degrees


Compare using <, >, or =.

5 tenths + 12 hundredths ____ 6 tenths 2 hundredths



A rectangle has a perimeter of 92 yards. What are two possible whole number dimensions of the rectangle? 

A. 24 feet by 22 feet 

B. 30 feet by 14 feet 

C. 23 feet by 22 feet 

D. 32 feet by 14 feet

A. 24 feet by 22 feet

D. 32 feet by 14 feet


Which numbers round to 1,260 when rounded to the nearest ten? 

A. 1,265 

B. 1,259 

C. 1,255 

D. 1,263 

E. 1,254

B. 1,259

C. 1,255

D. 1,263


Use compatible numbers to estimate the quotient. 2,647 ÷ 4 is about ?

600 OR 700


Mr. Watson is adding angles to create an angle. Select all the angle measures that Mr. Watson can use to create a 145 degree angle. 

A. 87° + 23° + 25° 

B. 86° + 35° + 24°

C. 98° + 47° 

D. 18° + 100 + 27° 

E. 90° + 30° + 20°

B. 86 + 35 + 24

C. 98 + 47

D. 18 + 100 + 27


Ella says that 1 hundredth more than 3.09 is 3.010. Nancy says that 1 hundredth more than 3.09 is 3.19. Who is correct? Explain.

A. Ella is correct. 

B. Nancy is correct. 

C. They are both correct.

D. Neither one is correct. 

D. Neither one is correct

1 hundredth more than 3.09 is 3.10.


Holly needs to cut a piece of fabric for a project. She needs a total area of 24 square inches. Select all the possible ways she could cut her fabric. 

A. 8 inches x 4 inches 

B. 3 inches x 8 inches 

C.12 inches x 2 inches 

D. 3 inches x 12 inches 

E. 6 inches x 4 inches

B. 3 x 8

C. 12 x 2

E. 6 x 4


Convert each number into standard form and use the >, <, or = symbol to compare them. 

53 thousands + 17 ones ______ 5 ten-thousands + 30 hundreds + 17 ones

53,017  =  53,017


Find the product of 567 x 39



Construct an angle that measures 135°. Use the ray shown as one of the rays of the angle. Draw an arc to indicate the angle that is measured.

Teacher will check

Select all the values that are equivalent to 0.8. 

A. 80/100

B. 100/8

C. 0.08

D. 8/10

E. 0.80

A. 80/100

D. 8/10

E. 0.80


A basketball court is 91 feet long and 49 feet wide. Select the equation that can be used to find the area of the basketball field. THEN solve to find the area.

A. 91 feet + 49 feet = A square feet 

B. 49 feet x 91 feet = A square feet 

C. 49 feet + 49 feet + 91 feet + 91 feet = A feet 

D. 49 feet x 49 feet x 91 feet x 91 feet = A square feet 

B. 49 x 91 square feet

4,459 feet squared


Select all the ways to rename the number 8,450. 

A. 8 thousands + 45 hundreds 

B. 8 thousands + 45 ones 

C. 8,450 ones 

D. 8 thousands + 450 tens 

E. 84 hundreds + 50 ones 

F. 84 hundreds + 5 ones 

G. 845 thousands

C. 8,450 ones

E. 84 hundreds + 50 ones


Select all the statements that are true about the number 48. 

A. 24 is a factor of 48. 

B. 48 is a prime number. 

C. 48 has exactly 5 distinct factor pairs. 

D. 24 is a multiple of 48.

E. 48 can be written as the product 2 × 2 × 3 × 3.

A.24 is a factor of 48

C. 5 distinct factor pairs


Which statement correctly describes a regular trapezoid? 

A. It has 2 right and 2 acute angles. 

B. It has 2 right, 1 acute, & 1 obtuse angle. 

C. It has 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles. 

D. It has 1 right, 2 obtuse, & 1 acute angle.

C. 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles


Order the fractions from least to greatest:

20/12       1  7/12     8/3

1  7/12 < 20/12 < 8/3


Jenny has 3 different pieces of string.  String 1 is a yard in length, String 2 is three and a quarter feet, and String 3 is thirty‐two inches.  Which of the following shows the order of all three strings from shortest to longest? 

a. String 1, String 2, String 3 

b. String 2, String 1, String 3 

c. String 3, String 2, String 1 

d. String 3, String 1, String 2

D. 3, 1, 2


Use the following clues to find the 4-digit mystery number that contains the digits 8, 7, 1, and 5. What’s the mystery number? 

Clue #1: The value of the of the 8 is 10 times greater than the value of the 8 in 6,181. 

Clue #2: The value of the 7 is 10 times greater than the value of the 7 in 3,715. 

Clue #3: The value of the 1 is 10 times less than the value of the 1 in 6,124. 

Clue #4: The value of the 5 is one-tenth of the value of the 5 in 1,054

A. 7,815 

B. 7,581 

C. 7,815

D. 8,781

A. 7,815


John had 6,301 stickers and wanted to share them among 9 people.  He will keep the remaining stickers. How many stickers will John keep?

1 sticker

700 R 1


The time on a clock reads 3:00. What is the measure of the reflex angle?

270 degrees


5  3/5 -  3  4/5 

1   4/5


Identify the median, mode, and range of the following pieces of data:

44, 40, 43, 41, 41, 42, 43, 45, 42, 42, 44 

Median = 42

Mode = 42

Range = 5
