Numbers and Questions
Data Analysis and Probability

There are six hundred four thousand, eight hundred seconds in a week. How could this number be written?

What is 604,800?


Which has the smallest area : 

A rectangle that is 8 feet by 3 feet

A rectangle that is 6 feet by 2 feet

A rectangle that is 2 feet by 4 feet, or 

A rectangle that is 2 feet by 3 feet?

What is a rectangle that is 2 feet by 3 feet?


What shape is this? 

What is a trapezoid?


Janice recorded the outside temperature over several days for a science project. On the first day it was 80°F, the second day it was 73°F, the third and fourth days it was 65°F, and on fifth day it was 79°F. What was the range of the temperature readings?

What is the range is 15°F?


A number increased by four is 14, find the number.

What is 10?


On Monday Carrie and her family traveled 865 miles. On Tuesday they traveled another 356 miles. How many more miles did they travel on Monday than on Tuesday?

What is 509?


Andy will buy fencing to build a rectangular horse arena. The arena will be 256 ft long and 59 ft wide. How much fencing does Kevin need to build the pen?

What is 630 feet?


What goes in the ?

What is 3?


A plan for a house includes a rectangular room with an area of 60 square meters and a perimeter of 32 meters. What are the length and the width of the room?

What is a length of 10 meters and a width of 6 meters?


Evaluate the expression: (915+780)+(768-501).

What is 1962?


The lunchroom sells about 8 cases of ice cream bars every day. There are 14 ice cream bars in each case. How many bars will they sell in 5 days?

What is 560?


The length of one side of a rectangle is 16 feet. The other side of the rectangle is ¼ the size of the 16 foot side. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

What is 40 feet?


What kind of lines are these?

What are parallel lines?


A car dealership has 100 cars for sale. There are 60 red, white, or blue cars. The rest of the cars are silver or black. What fraction of the cars are silver or black?

What is 2/5?


Evaluate the expression: a-1=____, where a=3

What is 2?


Latonya needs to purchase 4 notebooks at $1.99 each and 5 pens at $0.89 each. Excluding tax, how much will she spend?

What is $12.41?


Elizabeth walked all the way around a rectangular field that was 1,256 feet long on one side. If she walked a total of 4,560 feet, how wide was the other side?

What is 1,024 feet wide?


The kind of triangle that has angles of 20, 30, and 130 degrees.

What is an obtuse triangle?


A bakery received a shipment of 37 peaches. If it takes 4 peaches to bake a peach pie, how many peaches will the bakery have left over after baking as many pies as possible?

What is 1 peach(s)?


Evaluate the expression: 6+5+(9-8)x8=

What is 19?


There are 328 papers to fold. Four children will each fold the same number of papers. How many papers each child will fold?

What is 82?


Jessica’s bedroom is 12 feet long and 10 feet wide. Her bathroom is ½ the length and ½ the width of her bedroom. How many times bigger is the area of the bedroom than the area of the bathroom?

What is four times (4x)?


How many lines of symmetry does a triangle have?

What is 1?


I have 4,325 L of punch. I want to divide the punch equally into 5 containers. How much punch will be in each container?

What is 865 L?


Zach picked apples and divided them evenly among 10 of his friends. Each friend received 9 apples. If the tree he picked them from had 111 apples to begin, how many apples are left on the tree after Zach picked the apples?

What is 21?
