Story Elements
What's the Main Idea?
Figurative Language
Make an inference
Use context clues to define words
What is a setting? Give an example.
When and where a story takes place.

Camels have three eyelids. Two of the eyelids have lashes and the third eyelid comes from the corner of the eye. The eyes are protected by a double row of long curly eyelashes which help keep out the sand and dust. Thick bushy eyebrows shield the eyes from the desert sun.

The main idea is about camels' eyes.
Simile or metaphor? He smells like a gym sock. What is the author comparing?
Simile- comparing the gym sock to the boy or man.
We all stood up and faced the flag. I heard our voices together, as we held our hands over our hearts. 

What are they doing?

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
He was looking very dapper in his suit and tie. "Wow," Mom said, "You look great!"
dapper- looking very neat and put together
What are characters? Give an example.
The people or animals in a story.

We don't know how fast most dolphins swim but bottlenose dolphins typically swim at 3 to 7 miles per hour. They can go over 20 miles per hour when they work hard. The body shape of a dolphin helps it swim fast. A dolphin's body is shaped like a tube that is pointed at both ends.

The main idea is about how dolphins' swim.
Simile or metaphor? They all jumped into the pool, cannon balls, one after the other. What is the author comparing?
Metaphor- comparing people jumping into the pool to cannon balls.
With flipper like wings, she glides through the water to find a fish. When she gets a catch, she pops up and slides onto the ice. Finally she waddles to meet up with her mate and chick.

Make an inference as to what animal this is.

It is a penguin.
Because the plant was in the dark it could use photosynthesis, the process in which plants use sunlight to get nutrients, to grow.  

the process in which plants use sunlight to get nutrients

What is the solution in the story? Give an example.
The solution is how the problem is solved.
Summer is over, 

I have my new back pack.

I forgot my teacher's name, but I know she is nice.

My heart is beating fast, who will I know in my class?

I found my desk, let the day begin!

The main idea is about the first day of school.
What does this idiom mean? I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I only had 5 more questions to go.
This idiom means that something that was hard is almost over.
I could feel Jill's mean gaze from across the room. I wish she could understand. I didn't want to tell on her, but the teacher asked me, and I couldn't lie. Now Jill won't talk to me. 
Jill is mad at the narrator.

There was a multitude of dogs at the dog park. There were so many, that it was hard to keep track of my dog. 
multitude- so many
What is the conflict in a story? Give an example.
The conflict is the problem.
I wiped my nose again. As I watched TV, I wondered what my friends were doing at school. Oh no, another....ACHOOO! Ugh. 
The main idea is the character is home sick.
The doughnut spoke to me, "Eat me. I am so delicious!" What kind of figurative language is this?
This is personification.
Those cookies look so good. I can smell the peanut butter and chocolate goodness. I bet they are so delicious. Everyone loves those kinds of cookies, I've never even gotten to try one. 

"Hey, you want one?"

"No thanks, I can't."

The person is allergic to peanut butter.
I can't cancel my plans, I made a commitment, I have to go.
Commitment- something you have to do
Who is the narrator in a story? Who could be the narrator in a story?
The narrator is the person telling the story. It could be a character in the book, or it could be the author.
stamp, pen, paper, envelope
The main idea of the words is a letter.
"Oh my goodness! There was a million questions on that test!" What two kinds of figurative language, name them both for 500 points or one for 250 points. 
"Oh my goodness"- idiom showing disbelief

"there was a million questions..."- hyperbole

Even though he listened very hard, he still could not understand. He squinted his eyes to show his confusion. She spoke louder, "It's down the hall and to your left!" She handed the paper that read "Room 201" back to him. He felt lost. I wish I were home.
He does not speak English. 
The edifice stood in the center of the city like a grand stature. This building was beautiful, outlined in windows and glass. 
edifice- building