What are the rules as we are walking down the hall?
We need to walk in line order, facing forward, in a straight line, with zero voices.
What are our units in science this year?
Life Science
Engineering is Elementary
Rocks, Soil and Landforms
Motion, Force and Models
What is a reading bingo?
If you fill in your bingo card for the month, you get a prize!
What field trip do we take in May?
We go to Lincoln!
What are the names of the 4th grade teachers?
Mrs. Dabelstein
Mrs. Anderson
What is the Safe Seat? What do you do there?
The safe seat is a place to go to get away from the disruptive or hurtful behavior that is occurring. Once there, you will fill out a think sheet and process with a teacher about your behavior.
What are the 5 regions of the United States?
Do we have homework on Wednesday nights?
No, but you still need to read and practice your spelling on your own.
When you first come in the room in the morning, what are your expectations?
Check in for lunch, turn in homework, open assignment notebook, start morning work, and eat breakfast if necessary
What days do we have PE?
(depends on class)
What do you do when the whistle blows out at recess?
FREEZE! Wait for instructions from a teacher to line up.
Describe what reading stations look like in your classroom
Answers may vary but could include:
reading to yourself
reading to a partner
one minute read practice
listening to the story of the week
iPad apps
What happens if your homework is late or not turned in?
A variety of things:
phone calls or emails home
extra work sent home
miss recess
lose Dojo points
Where do you go for a fire drill?
Out the doors at the end of the hallway, and walk all the way to the fence.
What are DOJO points and how can you earn them?
DOJO points are ways to keep track of good and bad behavior. At the end of the week, kids with the highest points get prizes! You can earn them by being a responsible, now kid, who follows directions and helps others.
What is a "now" kid?
Someone who follows directions right away, even if they do not want to.
What is the program called that we use to practice our multiplication facts? Can you get on and practice at home?
Fastt Math, yes with stretch games!
What do you always have to remember to put at the top of your papers before you turn them in?
Your name and your number.
Where do you go for a tornado drill?
402 boys bathroom
401 girls bathroom
What are the 2 state tests we take in 4th grade?
Math & Reading (March/April)
What should our coat racks look like?
Everything should be hung up, neat and organized!
What is the name of our new math curriculum?
Math Expressions
What are some ways you could practice your spelling at home?
Spelling City
word pyramids
fancy words
dotted letters, then trace
partner test
write words multiple times
anything that works for you!
How many books can you have checked out from the library at a time?
2 chapter books, 1 magazine
To become a fantastic reader, how many minutes do we recommend you read each night?