This is the fraction equal to 3/4 with a denominator of 12.
What is 9/12?
This is the quick common denominator for the fractions 3/4 and 2/3.
What is 12?
This is the sum of 3/8 and 4/8.
What is 7/8?
This is the larger fraction when comparing 3/4 and 3/8.
What is 3/4?
This is the product of 2/4 and 2/3.
What is 4/12?
This is the fraction equal to 20/40 with a denominator of 8.
What is 4/8?
This is the quick common denominator for the fractions 5/8 and 3/4.
What is 32?
This is the difference between 10/12 and 5/12.
What is 5/12?
This is the smaller fraction when comparing 2/7 and 3/5.
What is 2/7?
This is the answer you get when you multiply 3/5 and 4/8.
What is 12/40?
This is the fraction equal to 36/100 with a numerator of 9.
What is 9/25?
This is the least common denominator for the fractions 2/6 and 3/4.
What is 12?
This is the sum of 9/4 and 2/4 as a fraction.
What is 11/4?
This is the sign that completes this number statement
2/3 _______ 4/6
What is = (equal to)
This is the product of 4 and 2/3.
What is 8/3 (2 2/3)?
This is the fraction equal to 15/22 with a denominator of 66.
What is 45/66?
This is the quick common denominator for the fractions 6/22 and 4/15.
What is 330?
This is the difference between the whole number 7 and 5/6.
What is 6 1/6?
These are the words that complete the following comparison: 4/10 ___________ 6/8
What is "is less than"?
This is the answer you get when you multiply 4/5 and 11/12.
What is 44/60?
This is the lowest term of the fraction 12/50.
What is 6/25?
This is the least common denominator for 5/9 and 2/3.
What is 9?
This is the sum of 13/5 and 6/5 as a mixed number.
What is 3 4/5?
This is the sign that completes the following number statement: 4/7 _________ 6/10
What is <? (less than)
This is the product of 5/4 and 7/8 as a mixed number.
What is 1 3/32?