Numbers that represent part of one whole.
What is a fraction?
Write two equivalent fractions for 2/3
What is 4/6, 6/9, 8/12, 10/15...
Subtract the fractions: 3/10 - 3/10
Turn into a mixed number: 10/5
What is 2
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. 1/5 O 1/3
What is 1/5 < 1/3
The top number of a fraction; it tells the number of parts in the fraction.
What is the numerator?
Write two equivalent fractions for 3/4.
What is 6/8, 9/12, 15/20, 18/24..
Add the fractions: 6/10 + 3/10
What is 9/10
Turn into a mixed number: 13/4
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. 1/2 O 3/6
What is 1/2 = 3/6
The bottom number of a fraction; it tells the total number of equal parts into which the whole has been divided.
What is the denominator?
Write two equivalent fractions for 6/12.
What is 1/2, 2/4, 12/24, 24/48....
Subtract the fractions: 1/4 - 1/12
What is 2/12 or 1/6
Turn into a mixed number: 35/6
What is 5 5/6
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. 1/2 O 3/4
What is 1/2 < 3/4
Fractions that name the same amount or part. They represent the same number (ex. 1/4 and 2/8)
What is an equivalent fraction?
Write two equivalent fractions for 1.
What is 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5...
Add the fractions: 4/10 + 2/30
What is 14/30 or 7/15
Turn into a mixed number: 66/7
What is 9 3/7
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. 5/8 O 3/7
What is 5/8 > 3/7
Breaking up a fraction into the sum of fractions.
What is decomposing
Write two equivalent fractions for 2.
What is 4/2, 6/3, 8/4, 10/5...
Subtract the fractions: 23/100 - 2/25
What is 15/100 or 3/20
Turn into a mixed number: 100/7
What is 14 2/7
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. 7/15 O 1/3
What is 7/15 > 1/3