Label the fraction 2/3 with the words denominator and numerator. Write the fraction and label each part.
2 /3 2 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator
How much is 2 quarters worth?
50 cents
How many days are in a week?
7 days
3/7 + 2/7
What is 5/7?
How would you write two dollars, using labels?
$2.00 or $2
fraction of stars **&&&
Which is bigger? 5 dimes OR 3 dimes and 4 nickels
they are the same
What day is it today?
6/12 - 4/12
What is 2/12 or 1/6?
How would you write 50 cents?
$0.50 or 50 Ȼ
fraction of dollar signs $$##
2 / 4 or 1/2
If you have $3.00 and buy candy for $2.23, how much change will you get back?
77 cents
Today is January 10, what date will it be in 3 days?
January 13
3.24 + 4.2
How would you write 3 dollars and 5 cents?
X X X X O O What is the fraction of X's
4 / 6
If Miss Good buys a pizza for $6.50 and Miss Cloud buys some pop for $4, how much money did lunch cost altogether?
$ 10.50
If it is 1 p.m., what time will it be in 2 hours?
3 p.m.
3/12 + 9/12 =
12 / 12 or 1
How would you write 49 cents
$ 0.49 or 49Ȼ
$ $ $ $ $ $ # # What is the fraction of $?
6 / 8
If Miss Good buys a pizza for $6.50 and Miss Cloud buys some pop for $4, who spent more money and how much more did she spend?
Miss Good and $2.50
One type of pop costs $4 for 2 bottles. How much will 1 bottle of pop cost?
2.57 + 1.05
If you have $1 and I give you 50 Ȼ, how much money do you have now?