This is the word for numbers 0-9.
What is “digits”?
The place value of the underlined digit in 679,831.
What is the hundreds place?
This is 302,785 rounded to the tens place.
What is “302,790”?
“35,856,472” is what form of three hundred thirty-five million, eight hundred fifty-six thousand, four hundred seventy-two?
What is standard form?
This is the largest mammal on planet Earth.
What is a blue whale?
This is the meaning of the symbol “>” you use when comparing two numbers.
What is “is greater than”?
The value of the underlined digit in 87,398,121.
What is 7,000,000 or seven million?
This is 8,343,577 rounded to the thousands place.
What is “8,344,000”?
This is “seventy-two million, eight hundred ninety-three thousand, forty-two” in standard form.
What is “72,893,042”?
In “The Little Mermaid,” he is Ariel’s fish bestie.
Who is Flounder?
This is the form when we write out a number using letters instead of digits.
What is word form?
The place value of the underlined digit in 304,750,001.
This is 374,980,321 rounded to the ten thousands place.
What is “374,980,000”?
“Two million, ninety-seven thousand, six hundred fifty-eight” is what form of 2,097,658?
What is word form?
Which ocean is off the coast of California?
What is the Pacific Ocean?
This is another word for a group of three digits (in a place value chart) separated by a comma which we also call a “value house”.
What is a period?
The value of the underlined digit in 222,903.
What is 20,000 or twenty thousand?
This is 87,349,500 rounded to the millions place.
What is “87,000,000”?
This is “5,000,000 + 300,000 + 4,000 + 600 + 90 + 2” in word form.
What is “five million, three hundred four thousand, six hundred ninety-two”?
This Disney princess’s favorite weapon of defense is a frying pan.
Who is Rapunzel from “Tangled”?
This is another word for the lines and commas we write out before writing in our digits that Mr. Kay also call a “hangman”.
What is a model?
The place value of the underlined digit in 800,000,136.
What is the hundred thousands place?
This is 465,403,567 rounded to the hundred millions place.
What is “500,000,000”?
This is “673,980,032” in expanded form.
What is “600,000,000 + 70,000,000 + 3,000,000 + 900,000 + 80,000 + 30 + 2”?
Which mythical creature is the national animal of Scotland?
What is a unicorn?