a particular point in space
How many sides does every triangle have?
a line that has an endpoint on one end and extends the other direction
I have less than 4 sides
This angle is the smallest
Acute angle
What tool do you use to measure an angle?
This triangle has three congruent sides
Equilateral triangle
Straight one dimensional figure that goes on and on in both directions indefinitely.
I have more than five sides - six to be exact
How many degrees is a perfect right triangle?
90 degrees
What is the difference between congruent and similar?
Congruent - exactly the same
Similar - not exactly the same
This triangle has no congruent sides
Scalene triangle
a section of a line
line segment
I am a quadrilateral with 1 pair of sides that are parallel
straight, right, acute, obtuse
acute, right, obtuse, straight
How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
This triangle has two congruent sides
Isosceles triangle
two lines that cross
intersecting lines
I have exactly two sets of parallel sides
What type of angles does a right triangle have?
One right angle
Two acute angles
What is the name of the curve made with straight lines?
Parabolic curve
All of the angles of a triangle equal how many degrees?
180 degrees
two lines that cross to form four 90 degree angles
perpendicular lines
All of my sides are the same length and I have four right angles
Put these angles in order from smallest to largest:
obtuse, straight, right, acute
acute, right, obtuse, straight