Class rules/rewards
Morning Routine

How and when do you hand in homework?

First thing in the morning, before davening. Find your clip and clip all your homework and put it in your classes bin.


What should you do when you hear the MLB or NFL theme song and what happens if you do it?

Go back to your seat and clear your desk quickly and quietly. If your table is ready by the time the music is finished you get a team point. If your table stayed quiet the entire time, they get 2 team points. 


What are the first things you should do when you come into the classroom in the morning?

1. Hand in your homework.

2. Write down your homework.

3. Complete the Do Now. 


What should you do with a chromebook when you are finished using it?

Put it back.


How do you know where to go to which station and when?

Find your name on the rotations board. Underneath your name is the order of your rotations and which stations to go to for each round. 


What happens if you do not complete a homework assignment?

You have to make it up another night. If you do not make it up during the week, it needs to be done during Friday recess. 


What does your team earn if you have the most team points at the end of the week?

5 extra minutes of recess one day next week. 


What should you come to morning meeting holding?



When is it a good time to pick a book or on deck book?

When you come in the morning or if you finish rotations early.


How do you know what to do and what to bring to each station?

The rotation directions are on the smartboard.


What should you do if you left homework at school or lost it?

math - The entire go math book is posted on schoology in the math folders.

Anything else- First, check schoology. If you can't find it there, call a friend and ask for a picture. If you can't get it from a friends, email BOTH teacher.


How can your team earn team points?

working quietly and on task, transitioning quickly when the music plays, packing up quickly at pack up time. 


What should you do during morning meeting when another classmate or teacher is speaking?

Stay quiet and look at whoever is speaking.


What should you do when the pack up music starts playing?

1. Clean up pencils and garbage under and near your table.

2. Take EVERYTHING out of your desk and put it in a pile in your desk. 

3. Push in your chair and stand behind it.

4. When your table is called, take your books into the hallway to pack up. (Check your mailbox on your way out).


What do you do if you finish your rotations early? Explain it.

Anytime Activity - You can only choose from the options on the anytime activity sign. It must be done quietly and independently.


What do you need to do to move a base on homework homerun.

Complete ALL of your homework in a week on time.


How can you earn a Swish and what is the reward if you earn enough Swishes?

You earn a Swish if the entire class walks quietly in the hallway, acts appropriately and respectfully during an assemble or oneg, the whole class working beautifully in the classroom, and pretty much the entire class doing anything awesome as an entire class. 

The reward is 10 extra minutes of recess for the entire class one day the next week. 


What should you come into the classroom with every morning?

Whatever is listed on the whiteboard outside the classroom. 


What should the class look and sound like while walking in the hallway?

QUIET and in a line with your HANDS TO YOURSELF.


Who is the main person in charge of you to get all your rotations completed? What happens if you don't finish when you should have had enough time.

YOU!!! Finish it for homework.


What should you check each night before you begin homework?

Your planner! 

If you can't find your planner, check Schoology. 


What are the bathroom rules?

You have to sign out to go to the bathroom and put a pass on our desk. Only 1 person can go to the bathroom at a time. Try to go during an independent working time (not teacher led).


If you forget snack in your locker in the morning, when can you get it?



What does independent reading look like in the classroom?

Quietly reading, independently, in a smart and comfortable spot.


What should you do if you need help during an independent station?

1. Try to figure it out myself. 

2. Ask a friend (who is also working independently) quietly. 

3. Ask a teacher who is not teaching or working with a student at the time 

4. If both teachers are busy, write my question on a sticky note with my name on it and leave it by the teacher. Read independently while waiting.
