17 x 8 = ?
What is 136?
A piece of land completely surrounded by water is called what?
What is an island?
What do we call the final sentence of a paragraph?
What is a conclusion?
Please list 5 characters from Fish in a Tree.
Who is Ally, Mr. Daniels, Keisha, Albert, Travis, Mom, Jessica, Shay, Oliver, Mrs. Silver, Grandpa, Suki, Max, Mrs. Hall
Name 3 strategies to cool down when you feel angry, frustrated or upset.
What is take a deep breath, take a break, talk to a friend or a teacher, eat a snack, ask for space...
Jenna walked 8 miles. Jacob walked 32 miles. How many times as many miles did Jacob walk than Jenna?
What is 4 times as many?
How many continents do we have?
What is 7?
Please provide two ways to improve your reading stamina.
What is find a just right book, a book you are interested in, find a quiet spot, make connections, make predictions, read in space with minimal distractions?
What is Blackbird by The Beatles?
Which of these letters have two lines of symmetry?
What is H and O?
Vanessa's garden is 9 feet in length and 7 feet in width. What is the perimeter of her garden?
What is 32 feet?
What is the capital of the United States of America?
What is Washington D.C.?
Harry was reading a nonfiction text. He came across a bolded word that he did not know. Where in the book can he check for the definition of the word?
What is the glossary?
What were the 3 things that the cool bean was jealous of at the beginning of the book?
What is playing guitar, drawing superheroes, and being a good athlete?
Name 4 Merriam School teachers by first AND last name.
Answers may vary...
Nathan has 84 apples that he wants to arrange in 6 rows. How many apples are in each row?
What is 14 apples?
If the smart board in our classroom is north. Using a cardinal direction please explain where the classroom door is located.
What is southeast?
Read these sentences then combine them to write one sentence using a plural possessive noun.
We saw the tiny eggs in the nest. The nest belonged to the birds.
What is:
We saw the tiny eggs in the birds' nest.
In Fish in a Tree, what grade is Ally in?
What is 6th grade?
Name all of the morning meeting question themes since September.
What is On this day in History, Estimation October, November Riddles, Would You Rather December, January Memes, February Guess That State, March Who in Our Class?
There are 162 fourth graders and 7 teacher going on a field trip to a museum. The school plans to rent vans for the trip. Each van holds 9 people. How many vans does the school need to rent?
What is 19 vans?
The equator is at 0 degrees of latitude. What is the name for 0 degrees of longitude?
What is the Prime Meridian?
List 8 different genres of books.
What is: mystery, poetry, realistic fiction, nonfiction, biography, historical fiction, fairy tale, tall tale, fantasy, adventure, memoir, hybrid, graphic novel.
Who is the author of How to Steal a Dog?
Who is Barbara O'Connor?
What is the complete address for Merriam School? You must include street name and number, town and zip code.
11 Charter Road. Acton, MA 01720