What is the next line of our Woodland Hills Mission Statement:
We value and support each other.
We show kindness and love.
____ _____ ____ ____ _____.
We learn and grow together
There are 5 fifth grade teachers at Woodland Hills this year. Write the names of 3 of them.
Ms. Quinter
Mrs. Durant
Mrs. Herrin
Mrs. Frandsen
Ms. Ringen
What grade did we do "buddies" with this year?
1st grade
Name the 3 main characters in the book "Refugee"
Mahmoud, Josef, Isabel
Increasing multiplication fact fluency
Learning long division
Growing on the Fast test from fall to spring
Mr. Beenken's wife had a baby this school year. What did they name her?
The 4th grade service project collected pop tabs to donate to what organization?
The Ronald McDonald House
What was the name of the man who taught us about owls and owl pellets this year?
Mr. Mike Marsh
A nest from what kind of bird is located near the playground of Woodland Hills?
What is the name of the band teacher at Woodland Hills?
Mrs. Russell
At your 4th grade concert, you sang the song "What a Wonderful World." What is the next line in the song:
I see skies of blue
and clouds of white
____ ____ ____ ____
The bright blessed day
How many sets of twins do we have in the 4th grade?
In what year did Woodland Hills first open?
Name a 4th grade teacher who was new to Woodland Hills this school year.
Mrs. Norton
A Bad Case of Stripes