25 X 6 =
Auggie is brave, smart, and kind. What are these descriptions of Auggie called?
Character Traits
When writing, what does my introduction need to make the reader want to keep reading?
a "hook"
Which Italian city is famous for its leaning tower?
What type of candy does Mrs. LaHucik like to give her class?
3/4 + 2/8 =
8/8= 1
A simile, metaphor, and personification are all called...
figurative language
When trying to convince someone of something, I will need to write a ________ essay.
How many years are there in a millennium?
Where does Ms. Datz live?
10 cm= ____ mm
100 mm
The house was old and dark and my room was at the top of the creeky stairs. If I am reading a story, what details of the story is this describing?
The setting
When adding a map, timeline, subheadings, or images to my informational writing, what are these called?
text features
Which planet in our Solar System is known for having a ring?
How many kids does Mrs. Biggins have?
What is considered an obtuse angle?
any angle larger than 90 degrees
What are these called:
*compare and contrast
*cause and effect
text structures
First, for example, then, in other words... what are these important phrases called in writing?
Who founded the first public library in the U.S.?
Benjamin Franklin
Where did Mrs. Peterson's kids go to school?
25.65 + 3.2 =
What is it called when I combine ideas and perspectives from two different texts or videos?
In every piece of writing we learned this year, what was common about how they needed to be organized?
in paragraphs
Where is the smallest bone in the body?
What activity do all the 4th grade teachers have in common(unrelated to teaching)?
working out