The Sum of 567 + 678
What is 1,245
The difference of 680 - 542
What is 138
What is 523
What is 917,236?
Round to the nearest hundreds place:
What is 1,400?
Sum of 25,284 + 14,860
What is 40,144
1,104 - 718 =
What is 386?
A large company is hosting a conference. So far, 795 people from the United States have signed up, as well as 85 people from other countries. What is the total number of people who have signed up?
What is 882
Write it:
What is three hundred sixty-four thousand one hundred eighty-two
Round to the nearest thousand.
What is 1,000
Constant Difference:
57 + 99 = ____ + 100
What is 56
1017 - 267 = _______ - 250 =
What is 1,000?
When Dalton went to bed, there were 671 birds on the lake. When he woke up in the morning, there were 904 birds on the lake. How many birds landed on the lake overnight?
What is 233
Write it in Expanded Form
What is 70,000 + 4,000 +500 + 4 = 74,504
Round to the nearest thousand place?
What is 4,000?
Estimate the sum by rounding each number to the nearest ten and then adding.
193 + 331
What is 520
Estimate each number to the nearest hundred, then subtract.
7,585 - 4,722
What is 2,900
What is 164
Use greater than, less than, or equal to.
783,971 ____ 784,916
What is greater than?
Round to the nearest ten thousand
What is 540,000
Since opening, Ben's Burgers has served 7,476 regular fries and 2,158 curly fries to its customers. How many fries is that?
What is 9,634
The Minnesota River held a nest of fish eggs. The nest contained a total of 952 eggs. If 558 of these eggs hatched, how many did not hatch?
What is 394
Last week, Mr. Nick checked in 709 books. Of those books, 314 were graphic novels and the remainder were chapter books. How many chapter books did Mr. Nick check in?
What is 395
Greater than, less than, or equal to?
42,957 ____ 420,957
What is less than?
Round to the nearest hundred thousand:
What is 1,000,000?