The Sum of 567 + 678
What is 1,245
The difference of 680 - 542
What is 138
How many grams are equivalent to 12 kg?
What is 12,000 grams?
Write 917,236 in expanded form.
Round to the nearest hundreds place:
What is 1,400?
Sum of 25,284 + 14,860
What is 40,144
1,104 - 718 =
What is 386?
How many ounces are equivalent to 8 pounds?
Write it:
What is three hundred sixty-four thousand one hundred eighty-two
Round to the nearest thousand.
What is 1,000
Constant Difference:
57 + 99 = ____ + 100
What is 56
1017 - 267 = _______ - 250 =
What is 1,000?
I drank 500 milliliters on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. How many liters did I drink?
How much is 2 liters?
Write it in Expanded Form
What is 70,000 + 4,000 +500 + 4 = 74,504
Round to the nearest thousand place?
What is 4,000?
If Joe started his test at 1:47 p.m. and it took him 38 minutes to complete, what time did he finish his test?
When is 2:25 p.m.?
School starts at 8:00 a.m. It takes Shari 35 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes to eat breakfast, and 25 minutes to drive to school. What time does she need to wake up?
This summer Mr. Black plans on running in a 10K, 7K and a 15K. How many meters will he run?
What is 32,000 meters?
Use greater than, less than, or equal to.
783,971 ____ 784,916
What is greater than?
What is 540,000
Cindy started the soup in the crock pot at 8:13 a.m. and turned it off at 5:17 p.m. How long did the soup cook for?
When is 9 hours and 4 minutes?
I completed the hot dog eating contest in 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Jeremy completed the hot dog eating contest in 5 minutes and 13 seconds. Who ate faster? By how much?
Who is Miss Mek.?
When is 24 seconds?
Ryan bought 3 pounds of bananas to take to his race. When he returned home after his event, he had eaten everything except 13 ounces. How much did Ryan eat?
How much is 35 ounces or 2 pounds 3 oz?
How many groups of 100 does it take to make 6,000?
What is 600?
Round to the nearest hundred thousand:
What is 1,000,000?