A number that is multiplied by another number to find a product.
What is a factor?
A fraction that has a numerator of 1.
What is a unit fraction?
When objects are split up into equal groups you are...
What is dividing?
A number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point.
What is a decimal number?
Any one of the ten symbols
0 - 9 used to write numbers.
What are digits?
The answer in a multiplication problem.
What is a product?
The top number in a fraction is called...
What is numerator?
The amount left over when a number cannot be divided equally.
What is a remainder?
A symbol used to separate dollars from cents in money amounts, and to separate the ones and tenths place in a decimal.
What is decimal point?
A whole number that has a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 in the ones place.
What are odd numbers?
A number that is the product of a number and a given number.
What is a multiple?
The bottom number in a fraction is called?
What is denominator?
The answer to a division problem.
What is quotient.
The place value to the right of the ones place.
What is the tenths place?
Operations that undo each other such as addition and subtraction or multiplication and division.
What are inverse operations?
600 x 60 =
What is 36,000?
Two fractions that are the same amount are called...
What is equivalent fractions?
The number that is to be divided in a division problem.
What is the dividend?
The place value to the right of the tenths place.
What is the hundredths place?
A way to write numbers by using words.
What is word form?
25 x 4 =
What is 100?
A fraction whose numerator is greater than the denominator is called...
What is an improper fraction?
The number that divides the dividend in a division problem.
What is 0.05?
A number close to an exact amount.
What is an estimate?