The gardener planted 27 rows of bushes with 26 bushed per row. How many rose bushes did the gardener plant?
The gardener planted 702 rose bushes
The numbers below form a pattern. 4, 11, 19, 28, 38, 49 Which of the following numbers will come next in the pattern?
john began watching a football game at 7:15 PM. The game lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes. What time was the game over?
The game was over at 11 PM

There were 832 flags in a warehouse. The flags were placed equally into 4 boxes. How many flags were placed into each box? 

208 flags were placed into each box.


Bailey swam 9 laps. Joe (j) swam 3 times as many laps as Bailey. What equation shows the number of laps Joe swam? 

j=3 x 9


There are 12 pecan trees on a farm. The farmers picked 90 pecans from each tree. What is the total number of pecans the farmers picked from all of the trees? 

1,080 pecans were picked from all of the trees

The numbers below form a pattern. 4, 15, 14, 25, 24, 35....... Which number will come next in the pattern
Jack woke up at 6:55 AM. He spend 25 minutes taking a bath and getting dressed. She took 15 minutes to eat her breakfast. She took another 10 minutes walking to school. What time did Jack arrive at school?
Jack arrives at school at 7:45 AM.
Ms. Smith bought 216 donuts for the 'Donuts with Dad" breakfast at her school. How many dozen donuts did she buy?
She bought 18 dozen donuts.

Larry and Jay walk their dogs.

- Larry walks a distance of 7 blocks with his dog.

- Jay (j) walks twice as far.

What equation shows the distance that Jay walks his dog? 

j= 2 x 7 

The newspaper subscription rate is $12 per month. How much would John pay for a 2 year subscription?
John would pay $288
In Science, Ashley's class learned that the diameter is 7,874 miles and the diameter of Jupiter is 88,000 miles. What is the difference between the diameter of Earth and Jupiter?
80,126 miles
Lisa finished jogging at 4:50 PM. She jogged for 1 hour and 15 minutes. What time did Lisa start jogging?
Lisa started jogging at 3:35 PM.

There are 1,392 people at a basketball game. There is an equal number of people in each of the 6 section. How many people are in each section? 

There are 232 people in each section. 


Scott sold candy bars for a school fundraiser on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 

-On Monday, he made $13

-On Tuesday, he made $24

-On Wednesday, he made 4 times as much money as on Monday.

How much money did Scott make altogether on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

$89 altogether. 


A ferry boat can hold 63 cars. The boat makes 36 trips per week. How man cars can the ferry boat carry each week?

2,268 cars can be carried on the ferry boat each week. 

Many fans attended the state play-offs this year. On the first night 20,359 attended the game, while 26,104 attended the second night, and 27,728 attended the third night. How many total fans attended the play offs?
74,191 fans attended the play offs.
At 8:00 AM the outside temperature was 72 F. By 1:00 PM it had increased 12 F, and by 5:00 PM it had cooled down by 7 F. What was the temperature reading at 5:00 PM?
At 5:00 PM the temperature was 77 F.
Mrs. Matthews tutors 9 children after school. She wants to give each child an equal number of pencils. Mrs. Matthews bought 135 pencils. How many pencils will each child receive?
Each child will receive 15 pencils.

Bill packed 8 books. Kevin (k) paced 3 times as many books as Bill. What equation shows how many books Kevin packed?

k= 3 x 8

Jane donated $12 to the food bank. Monica donated triple the amount. Jasmine donated double the amount Monica donated. What is the total amount the girls donated to the food bank?
The girls donated $120 to the food bank.
Mr. Johnson played a stock market game with his son Justin. They started with $10,000. During the first week they made $2,806. The second week they lost $4,882. How much money did they have at the end of the second week?
They had $7,942 at the end of the seconds week
At 7:00 AM Morgan recorded the temperature at 38 F. By 2:00 PM the temperature dropped 15 degrees and then increased 35 degrees by 6:00 PM. What was the temperature reading at 6:00 PM?
The temperature was 58 F at 6:00 PM.

One hundred forty-four students went on a field trip. Each seat on the bus sat 3 students. How many seats were needed for the students? 

48 seats were needed for the students. 


Robin has 7 buttons. Tine has 6 times the number of buttons that Robin has. How many buttons does Tine have? 

Tina has 42 buttons. 
