3D Shapes
2D Shapes/lines
Draw a square pyramid and name its faces, vertices, and edges
Faces-5 Edges-8 Vertices-5
I have exactly 2 more sides than a hexagon. What am I?
At 8:00AM the temperature was 32 degress F. The temperature increased 4 degrees every hour. What was the temperature at 3:00PM?
60 degrees Fahrenheit
John began watching a football game at 7:15 PM. The game lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes. What time was the game over?
The game was over at 11 PM
Tamika had a piece of ribbon that was 2 feet and 9 inches long. How many total inches of ribbon does Tamika have?
Tamika has 33 inches of ribbon.
True or False: A triangular prism has 12 vertices. Draw your answer to prove
False because vertices are the points and it only has 6
Name 3 attributes of a trapezoid?
quadrilateral, polygon, one set of parallel lines, four angles
The thermometer shows 86 degrees F, the high temperature for one day in June. The low temperature for that day was 18 degrees lower than the high temperature. What was the low temperature?
68 degrees Fahrenheit
Jack woke up at 6:55 AM. He spend 25 minutes taking a bath and getting dressed. He took 15 minutes to eat his breakfast. He took another 10 minutes walking to school. What time did Jack arrive at school?
Jack arrives at school at 7:45 AM.
Tory and his dad bought 16 pints of water for their camping trip. If they poured the water into gallon jugs, how many gallon jugs would they fill?
They would fill 2 gallons.
A triangular prism has the same vertices as a triangular pyramid. T or F draw to prove
False- Triangular prism has 6 vertices and a triangular pyramid has 4
What is a quadrilateral that has two sets of parallel lines?
At 8:00 AM the outside temperature was 72 F. By 1:00 PM it had increased 12 F, and by 5:00 PM it had cooled down by 7 F. What was the temperature reading at 5:00 PM?
77 degrees Fahrenheit
Liza finished jogging at 4:50 PM. She jogged for 1 hour and 15 minutes. What time did Liza start jogging?
Liza started jogging at 3:35 PM.
Maria purchased drinks for the class party. She bought 1 gallon of chocolate milk, 2 gallons of regular milk, an 1/2 gallon of strawberry milk. How many quarts of milk did she buy?
She bought 14 quarts of milk.
I have exactly 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges.... what am I?
Cube or Rectangular prism
Draw and name 3 two dimensional figures that have parallel lines. Be sure to label the parallel lines.
Show drawings.
At 7:00 AM Morgan recorded the temperature at 38 F. By 2:00 PM the temperature dropped 15 degrees and then increased 35 degrees by 6:00 PM. What was the temperature reading at 6:00 PM?
58 degrees Fahrenheit
Sarah leaves home at 7:45 AM and arrives at school at 8:15 am. She leaves school at 3:00pm. Her ride home is the same length as her ride to school. As soon as she gets home, her grandma takes her to ballet. They arrive at 4:15pm. How long does it take for Sarah and her grandma to get to ballet?
45 minutes
What is the volume of a box that is 16 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 8 feet high?
What is 1,792 cubic feet.
I have no vertices, no edges, and no faces. I have a curved surface. What am I?
All perpendicular lines are also intersecting lines. Are all intersecting lines also perpendicualr lines? Write your answer and explaination.
Not all intersecting lines are perpendicular because you in order for two lines to be perpendicular they must form a right angle.
Sunday's high temperature was 105 degrees Fahrenheit. By the evening, the high temperature was 25 degrees colder than Sundays evening temperature. What is the difference of Sunday's high temperature and Monday's high temperature?
25 degrees Fahrenheit is the difference between Sunday's high and Monday's high
Lindsey arrived at the mall at 10:00am. She did a little window shopping for 25 minutes. She tried on jeans for one and a half hours. She took a half hour to eat in the food court and then left the mall. What time did Lindsey leave the mall?
12:25 pm
The perimeter of a square rug is 96 feet. What is the length of each side?
Each side is 24 feet.