explain the difference between the comparing symbols: < >
close first means "less" <
open first means "more" >
When you multiply two factors your answer is called the ...
Name the three types of angles we have learned
Acute Obtuse Right
What is data?
the numbers that you note down when you are counting things.
the math word for congruent, the same, equal
The place value behind the underlined digit is _______the value of the underlined digit.
When you divide, what is the name for your answer and anything leftover?
quotient and remainders
When you can divide a figure into two parts and they are identical then the figure has a line of ......
It is symmetrical
subtraction, it is being taken away
How do you classify triangles? (right triangles, obtuse triangles, acute triangles)
Check for the different angle and that will be the name
the place value in front of the underlined digit is _______ the value of the underlined digit.
Any letter we use to represent the unknown quantity
example: a + 10= 20
What are special intersecting lines that make 90 degree angles?
perpendicular lines
How do you find the profit?
finding the difference between money it costs to do something(expense) and money earned(selling price)
What is the name of the table that uses tally marks or numbers to show how many times a number appears in data?
frequency chart
name the parts of a fraction
numerator up top
denominator on bottom
What are the names of the two dimensions we use to find area and perimeter?
Length and Width
In a Stem-and-Leaf plot, data is organized by...
Tens place (or bigger) in the STEM and ones in the LEAF
When you use a protractor how do you know which arc to use?
Look at your base and find which zero it touches.
two types of numbers that can be written to express one another.
a mixed number and a decimal
A table in math where you get a number, use a rule and end up with another number.
Input-Output table
What is the fourth grade formula for AREA?
(L + W) x 2
Explain the difference between fixed expenses and variable expenses
Fixed Expense= a cost that happens often and is the same
Variable= a cost that is not often or changes prices
Give the name of a type of fraction that has the numerator higher than the denominator.
What do we change it to?
an improper fraction
it gets changed into a mixed number