Name the first 7 place values
Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundred Thousands, Millions
What is the following number in WORD FORM?
What are the TWO benchmark numbers when rounding 23,456 to the nearest hundred?
23,400 and 23,500
What is the SUM of 6,311 + 1,268 =
Add 2/5 + 3/5
5/5 or 1 whole
Compare the following decimals
0.45 ___ 0.4
How many minutes are there in 5 hours?
Hint: 1 hour = 60 minutes
300 minutes
What is the Value of the digit 3 in the number: 834,956
30 Thousands, or 30,000
Martha has a collection of twenty thousand, six hundred forty-three beads. What is this number written in EXPANDED FORM?
20,000 + 600 + 40 + 3
What would the MIDPOINT be if you round 4,479 to the nearest thousand?
Double Jeopardy
297 + 1,329 =
Round the total to the nearest Hundred
1626 --> 1,600
When Journey's Cafe had it's grand opening 931 people were waiting in line to buy muffins. The next day, 354 people wanted to buy muffins. How many people waited to buy Journey's muffins in both days?
1,285 people
1 2/5 + 3 2/5 =
4 4/5
Compare the following decimals
0.03 ___ 0.30
How many days are there in 16 weeks?
Hint: 1 week = 7 days
112 days
Arrange the following numbers in order, from least to greatest 504; 054; 4,450; 505; 045
045; 054; 504; 505; 4,450
Write the following number in STANDARD FORM.
40 tens + 15 ones + 3 hundreds
Determine if the number has been rounded to the nearest thousand, ten thousand or hundred thousand 176,521 --> 180,000
ten thousand
755,206 + 89,814 =
A school bus calculated that it drove a total of 8,578 miles in January. In February the bus traveled 659 miles. How many miles did the bus travel altogether?
The bus traveled 7,919 miles.
4/10 + 34/100=
What is 4/10 written as a decimal?
Multiply to find 13 x 12
Compare the values of each 5 in the number 956,502
one 5 is worth 50,000 the other 5 is worth 500 500 < 50,000
Ms. Traywick drove four thousand, three hundred seventy-eight miles. What is the number in EXPANDED FORM?
4,000 + 300+ 70+8
The Cubs and the Cards are going to play a baseball game. 29,855 tickets were sold on Thursday and 32,086 tickets were sold on Friday. How many total tickets were sold?
They sold 61,941 total tickets.
2/100 + 3/10 =
What is 4/100 written as a decimal?
Ms. Taylor will drive to California in 5 days. Each day she will drive 145 miles. How many miles will she drive in all?
725 miles
Compare using > < or = 234 thousands + 7 ten thousands ____ 389,000
304,000 < 389,000
Double Jeopardy
Represent the number in two other ways
eight hundred seventy-six thousand, eight hundred seventy-six
Round to the nearest hundred Thousands place: 973,213
1. Who made the mistake? 2. What was the mistake?3. What is the correct answer?
Mr. Mims made the mistake
He didn't regroup to the hundreds place
Peoria has a population of 242,628 people. Springfield has a population of 376,865 more people. What is the total population of the two cities.
The total population of the two cities is 862,121
10/12 - 6/12 =
Explain why 1.32 is greater than 1.31
The two in the hundredths place is greater than the 1 in the hundredths place
What is the product of 36 and 32