What is the number 4,591 in word form?
four thousand five hundred ninety-one
Is 4,730 greater than, less than or equal to 4,580?
4,730 > 4,580
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
3,480 ; 8,512 ; 451
451 ; 3,480 ; 8,512
Round the number 63,079 to the tens place.
What is the value of the 9 in the number 9,345?
What is the number 30,458 in expanded form?
30,000 + 400 + 50 + 8
Is 23,095 greater than, less than or equal to twenty-three thousand one hundred and four?
23,095 < 23,104
Order these numbers from greatest to least.
4,329 ; 64,109 ; 4,319
64,109 ; 4,329 ; 4,319
Round the number 231,485 to the hundreds place.
What is the value of the 7 in the number 673,280?
What is the number 63,924 in word form?
sixty-three thousand nine hundred twenty-four
Is 45,981 greater than, less than or equal to 49,895?
45,981 < 49,895
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
41,683 ; 32,009 ; 90,723
32,009 ; 41,683 ; 90,723
Round the number 451,607 to the thousands place.
What is the number 84,056,281 in expanded form?
80,000,000 + 4,000,000 + 50,000 + 6,000 + 200 + 80 + 1
Is 945,310,497 greater than, less than or equal to 945,308,935?
945,310,497 > 945,308,935
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
431,987 ; 456,720 ; 34,901
34,901 ; 431,987 ; 456,720
Round the number 9,320,763 to the hundred thousands place.
What is the value of the 5 in the number 354,290,176?
What is the number 28,450,832 in word form?
twenty-eight million four hundred fifty thousand eight hundred thirty-two
Is 56,390,215 greater than, less than or equal to fifty-six thousand three hundred seventy-two thousand two hundred fifteen?
56,390,215 > 56,372,215
Order these numbers from greatest to least.
71,340,251 ; 71,421,879 ; 8,340,276
71,421,879 ; 71,340,251 ; 8,340,276
Round the number 48,902,671 to the millions place.