What did the Quraysh plan to do to Muhammad (SAW)?
To assassinate him due to his growing influence and the threat his monotheistic message posed.
What was Al-Hijrah and who went on it?
Muhammad (SAW) and the early Muslims journey (migration) from Makkah to Medina to escape persecution.
Who helped the Muhajireen in Madinah?
The people of Madinah, Al-Ansar.
Who was protecting Muhammad (SAW) and who was sent to warn him?
Muhammad (SAW) was primarily protected by ‘Ali/Allah, with Angel Jibreel who was sent to warn him.
What miracle was the Prophet (SAW) able to perform in the desert?
He was able to get a sick goat to start producing milk again / The horse's feet began to sink into the sand.
What was the name/place of the first Qiblah built by the Prophet (SAW)?
Masjid Al-Aqsa in Bait Al-Maqdis, Jerusalem.
Why did Muhammad's (SAW) message worry the leaders of Makkah?
They worried they would lose control of their people and that Muhammad (SAW) was challenging their religion and way of making money .
What wonderful thing happened once the Muhajiroon arrived in Madinah?
They were welcomed with open arms and the first baby was born to the Muhajiroon in Madinah.
Why did the Prophet (SAW) prioritize building the masjid first before his home?
He wanted the Muhajireen to feel comfortable and have their own place to pray, seeing it as a vital center for the community.
What was Muhammad (SAW) and 'Ali's plan to stop the Quraysh?
Having been warned not to sleep in his bed, Muhammad (SAW) fled to Medina while ‘Ali took his place in bed, deceiving the Quraysh into believing he was the prophet.
Who was Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr and what did she do for the Prophet (SAW)?
The daughter of the Prophet’s best friend Abu Bakr and the one who helped them prepare for travel.
Why did the Prophet (SAW) let the camel decide where to build the masjid?
He wanted to be fair as everyone wanted it close to them/took it as a demonstration of divine guidance from Allah.
Why didn’t the Quraysh want to listen to Muhammad (SAW)?
Their economic interests were at stake, as they profited from idol worship, and were unwilling to abandon the practices of their forefathers, viewing Muhammad’s (SAW) teachings as a direct challenge to their identity.
Where did the Prophet and Abu Bakr hide?
A cave called Char Thawr, south of Makkah.
What did the people do to make their work easier when building the masjid?
They worked as a team, shared food and water, the Muhajireen and Al-Ansar worked side by side, and sang good songs.