Greek and Latin Roots
Time Order Words
Synonyms & Antonyms

vert means.....

What is turn?


Put these in sequential order:

Then, we searched Tom's room.

We finally found our ball in the backyard.

First, we looked in my room.

What is:

First, we looked in my room.

Then, we searched Tom's room.

We finally found our ball in the backyard.


An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs fall in three categories: When, Where, and How.

Name the adverb in the sentence:

The boy calmly took his test.

What is calmly?


A homograph is a group of words that are spelled the same way, but have different meanings.

Read each sentence and choose the correct meaning of the italicized homograph:

Joshua says that he can go on the field trip next week.

A. To have permission

B. To preserve in a sealed container.

What is A or to have permission?


Synonym of ice......

Antonym of easy......

What is cold?

What is hard?


Photo means.....

What is light?


Put these in sequential order:

The sky filled with storm clouds while he was watering.

Dad watered the garden this morning.

By this afternoon, it was raining hard.

What is

Dad watered the garden this morning.

The sky filled with storm clouds while he was watering.

By this afternoon, it was raining hard.


Name the adverb in the sentence:

The team eagerly awaited their next opponent.

What is eagerly?


Choose the correct meaning of the italicized homograph:

We had to back the car into the driveway so we could unload the trunk.

A - The rear part of the human body

B - To cause to move backwards

What is B or to cause to move backwards.


Synonym of fast

Antonym of old?

What is speedy or quick?

What is young?


Phobia means..... 

What is fear?


Add a time and sequence word or phrase to the beginning of each sentence to order the events:  Use: this afternoon, yesterday, by the time we got back (these are out of order). The sentences below are in order:                                                     _______________, I went on a camping trip with my family

___________, we went for a long hike in the woods.

_____________, I found a raccoon eating the candy bar my sister left in the tent.

What is

Yesterday, I went on a camping trip with my family.

This afternoon, we went for a long hike in the woods.

By the time we got back, I found a raccoon eating the candy bar my sister left in the tent.


Name the adverb in the sentence:

The player politely asked the official a question.

What is politely?


My mother allowed me to keep the change we got when we paid at the store.

A - To transform or convert something.

B - Money given back when paying for goods or              services.

What is B or "Money given back when paying for goods or services."


Synonym of noisy?

Antonym of wet?

What is loud?

What is dry?


aud means......

What is hear or listen?


Put the sequences in number order: 1, 2, 3, 4

Now I can play the guitar pretty well.

I started taking guitar lessons last year.

After just a few days, I could play some chords.

What is: 

1 - I started taking guitar lessons last year.

2 - After just a few days, I could play some chords.

3 - Then, I learned to play some simple songs.

4 - Now I can play the guitar pretty well.


Name the adverb in the sentence:

The teams shook hands sincerely after the game.

What is sincerely?


The skies look blue and clear, so it probably is not going to rain.

A - Free from darkness or cloudiness

B - Easily seen or understood

What is A - Free from darkness or cloudiness.


Synonym of sweet?

Antonym of energetic?

What is sugary?

What is lazy?


Bio means........

What is life?


What is the time order transition word or words in each sentence?

In the beginning, there were two brothers. 

What is "In the beginning."


Name the adverb in the sentence:

I barely finished my test.

What is barely?


On the final exam, we had to recall information we learned during the whole school year.

A - To bring back into memory

B - To revoke or remove from public use or office

What is A - To bring back into memory


Synonym of big?

Antonym of smooth?

What is small?

What is rough?
