Poetry and Drama
Point of View
Main Idea/Supporting Details
Making Inferences
Another word referring to the lines of a poem.
What is verse?

What are my favorite colors?  

Blue and Purple

Identify the point of view: I look forward to my monthly book club meeting. We are currently reading "Never Have Your Dog Stuffed by Alan Alda".
What is first person?
What the paragraph, section, or entire text is mostly about.
What is the main idea?
Using information from the text and schema to draw conclusions is called...
What is inferences?
The words that characters in a drama speak to one another.
What is dialogue?

Who is my favorite super hero?


Identify the point of view: I asked Sam to help me with my Happy New Year mailing, and we somehow got the project done early during the last week of December in spite of our packed schedules. I’m quite proud of us and ended up calling the project ours instead of mine.
What is first person?
Information in the text that gives evidence or supports the main idea.
What are supporting details?
Jake stood on the riverbank.He cast his fishing pole into the deep water. He had been trying to deep water. He had been trying to catch a fish for many hours. Alex and Zach laughed as they watched Jake throw the line into the water one more time. What kind of person is Jake?
What is patient/hardworking?
A list of all the individuals in a drama.
What is cast of characters?

What is my favorite candy?

Sour Patch Kids

Identify the point of view: Once upon a time, there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.
What is third person?
Identify the main idea: You really know how important a clean kitchen is if you live in the same small place for weeks. Everyone needs to have a clean kitchen so they are healthy. A dirty kitchen can make people sick.
What is- It is important to keep kitchens clean.
The bus driver pulled out of the station. Jim’s heart beat fast. He had never traveled alone. He waved good-bye to his grand-parents.He checked his watch. Jim pictured his father waiting for the bus in Tucson. “Two hours will be over in no time,” Jim said. How does Jim feel?
What is nervous, scared, worried, alone?
Verses grouped together in a poem.
What is a stanza?
The events that occur in a story. (For example: introduction, rising action, climax, resolution)
What is plot?
Identify the point of view: He met her at a conference where she was the speaker, and it was odd to him that her laptop had a fountain pen sticker on it, because that was his favorite kind of pen.
What is third person?
Identify the main idea: How do astronauts keep their trays clean? That is another health problem the astronauts solve. They need to stay healthy in space. To carry a lot of water to wash trays would be a lot of extra weight. They pack wet wipes in plastic bags. They use them to clean trays. So, their kitchen is clean and they stay healthy.
What is- Astronauts prevent health problems.
Annie’s teeth chattered.Her knees shook. Her voice trembled as she said, “I can’t stay out here! I’m can’t stay out here! I’m going inside.” How do you think Annie is feeling?
What is cold?
The instructions in a drama that the characters DO NOT SAY.
What are stage directions?

I've played 6 sports as kid. Name 4 of them.

Basketball, Soccer, Football, Gymnastics, Baseball, and Track/Field

Identify the point of view: Sally turned and looked at her mother with wide eyes. She slowly whispered, "I think something weird is going on around here." Her mother began to tremble.
What is third person?
Identify the main idea: Mrs. Bertram loved her son, but she worried about him. He was always losing things, and he did not take care of his toys or clothes. She wanted him to be more careful. She wanted him to be responsible.
What is- Mrs. Bertram wants her son to change.
The room was a mess! Pots and pans were piled in the sink. Drawers and cabinets were flung open. Empty cartons were on a sticky counter, but the smell was delicious! Why was the room a mess?
What is the people were cooking?