Context Clues/Vocabulary
Passage Basics
Test Strategies
"Winds may be *hazardous*. Remain indoors." Q1) What does the word "hazardous" mean? A. fast B. cold C. unsafe D. steady Q2) The phrase that helps you find the meaning.
Q1) What is "C. unsafe"? Q2) Remain indoors
A passage or article is a A. movie B. song C. selection D. picture
What is "C. selection"
Group of lines of poetry separated by space between other groups of lines. A. dialogue B. meter C. paragraphs D. stanzas
What is "D. stanzas"?
The first thing you should do when reading your reading passage is circle the title and________. A. skip to the questions B. make predictions C. stare at the selection D. actually, you skip the title and read through the text quickly
What is "B. make predictions"?
Includes information from the beginning, middle, and end of the passage. Should not include any details.
What is "a summary"?
Q 1) "It's not something you do actively: it's *involuntary*." What does the word "involuntary" mean? A. not visible B. not done under your control C. not done in a healthy way D. not happy Q2) The phrase that helps you find the meaning
Q1) What is "B. not done under your control" Q2) not something you do actively
Anything that shows what is true, such as words in a passage that prove your answer A. falsities B. evidence C. opinions D. inaccurate details
What is"B. evidence"?
the basic beat or rhythmic structure in a poem; the rhythm of the accented and unaccented syllables in a line of poetry A. Rhyme B. line break C. meter D. alliteration
What is "C. meter"?
What you should do first while reading through the answers on a multiple choice question? A. Think about what the next question is going to be B. worry that you cannot remember what you read C. eliminate incorrect answers D. guess at an answer
What is "C. eliminate incorrect answers"?
The sequence of events in a story, play, or movie. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/conclusion.
What is "a plot" or "plot line"?
Q1) “The student tried to *assimilate* the information so that he could understand how satellites orbit in space.” What does "assimilate" mean? A. disintegrate B. copy C. learn D. ignore Q2) The phrase that helps your find the meaning is...
Q1) What is "C. learn"? Q2) "Students", "information so that he could understand"
the central or universal idea or lesson of a fiction or the main idea of a nonfiction A. plot B. summary C. solution D. theme
What is "D. theme"?
When a line of a poem ends and another starts on the next line A. the end of the line B. break line C. stopped line D. line break
What is "D. line break"?
True or false? You will always find the answer word for word in the passage. Explain why you chose your answer.
What is "False; Sometimes the answer will be somewhere else in the paragraph. You may have to use clues and make inferences."
The central topic, subject, or concept the author is trying to point out.
What is "a main idea" or "theme"?
Q1) “Where we live in Northern Maine, the winters are quite harsh. Each year we fly to a warm climate for a break from the cold weather. It feels like *utopia* every time we step off the plane at our destination.” What does the word "utopia" mean? A. paradise B. dessert C. nightmare D. imaginary Q2) The phrase that helps you find the meaning is...
Q1) What is "A. paradise"? Q2) Winters are quite harsh in Northern Maine...we fly to a warm climate to break from the cold weather.
a problem, disagreement, or fight -- act of solving; solving a problem or issue A. conflict and solution B. stop and go C. conflict and compromise D. plot and solutions
What is "A. conflict and solution"?
the use of language to create mental images and sensory impressions A. imagery B. literal language C. mind movies D. brainstorming
What is "A. imagery"?
When you read an unfamiliar word, you should use context clues. Which of the following is NOT an example of the form of a content clue? A. definitions B. synonyms and antonyms C. pronunciation E. examples
What is "pronunciation"
Q1 The point of view when the word "I" is primarily used. Q2 The point of view when he, she, it, or they is primarily used.
Q1) What is "first person point of view"? Q2) What is "third person point of view"?
Q1) "For our recycling project, we collected bottles, newspapers, and other kinds of *refuse*. It is amazing to see what some people throw into the garbage." What is the meaning of "refuse"? A. to say no or reject something B. trash or rubbish Q2) What evidence helps you choose this answer?
Q1) What is "B. trash or rubbish"? Q2) we collect bottles, newspapers, and other kinds; what some people throw into the garbage
This type of text presents information to influence what the reader thinks or does- sometimes organized by cause and effect or fact and opinion A. information text B. persuasive text C. entertaining text
What is "B. persuasive text"?
Q1) A poem that expresses the poet's feelings; emotional, poetic, and may be set to music. Q2) A type of poem that has no rhyming pattern
Q1) What is lyric poem? Q2) What is free verse?
True or false. When using context clues to find the meaning of the multiple meaning word, you must look only in the sentence in front of or after the word?
What is "False; you can look throughout the paragraph for clues and hints for better understanding the word's context."
Which of the following is a simile? A. The teacher likes when her class listens. B. The road was as flat as a pancake. Explain your reasoning.
What is "B. The road was as flat as a pancake." Similes use the words "like" or "as" to compare 2 things. Answer A is not comparing two things using the word "like". It is simply stating how a teacher feels about her class when they listen. Answer B is comparing the road and pancake by saying they are both flat by using the word "as".