Figurative Language
Miss Stovall true/false
Which sentence includes a simile? A. "When I walked outside, I was as cold as an ice cube." B. "The entire dance class was standing in a line on top of our boxes." C. "Oh my, I missed my partner's box altogether and slipped!" D. "What an experience!"
What is A. "When I walked outside, I was as cold as an ice cube."
"Winds may be hazardous. Remain indoors." What does the word "hazardous" mean? A. fast B. cold C. unsafe D. steady
What is C. unsafe.

My dog's name is Odin


"I lay there, motionless, for about an hour." What does "motionless" mean in this sentence? A. with motion B. moving slowly C. moving backwards D. without motion
What is D. without motion.
Which of these lines from a poem includes examples of alliteration? A. They were as different as night and day. B. Too Tall Sally and So Short Tom C. She got what she needed and nothing more. D. Why two such folks would choose to wed
What is B. Too Tall Sally and So Short Tom
"It's not something you do actively: it's involuntary." What does the word "involuntary" mean? A. not visible B. not done under your control C. not done in a healthy way D. not happy
What is B. not done under your control.

I was born in China


Which phrase shows an example of a simile? A. "The ground was still white with a blanket of snow." B. "Peanut disappeared from his yard two days ago." C. "He could see tracks made by tiny bird feet and by large deer hooves." D. "He was like a good luck charm."
What is D. "He was like a good luck charm."
Which line from the passage contains an example of personification? A. "On weekdays, there is only enough time for cereal and maybe some toast." B. "We stared at the biscuits. They stared back, daring us to eat them." C. "You can imagine how happy we were to have Dad home." D. "Even fried bread is probably better than left over spaghetti."
What is B. "We stared at the biscuits. They stared back, daring us to eat them."
"Louisa pushed it open and entered the garden." Which word is the opposite of the word "entered?" A. crashed B. ran C. arrived D. left
What is D. left.

I am 45 years old


What determines setting in a story other than place? A. characters B. plot C. time D. conflict
What is C. time.
Read these lines from the poem: "With So Short Tom it was much more chancy/ He'd pick up whatever struck his fancy." What does "whatever struck his fancy" mean? A. whatever physically hit him B. whatever he was interested in C. whatever he needed D. whatever someone gave him
What is B. whatever he was interested in
"In some cases bifocals or trifocals are necessary to correct the vision of a patient." In this sentence, the word correct means A. fix B. right C. change D. judge
What is A. fix.

My fiancé is from Algeria


"Jack now had a successful song." Knowing the suffix "-ful" helps the reader understand that "successful" means A. failing B. having success C. able to have success D. someone who has success
What is B. having success.
"Bea's French toast is the best invention since sliced bread!" What does this mean? A. Bea's French toast was invented after sliced bread B. Bea's French toast is better than sliced bread C. Bea's French toast is a new invention D. Bea's French toast tastes really good.
What is D. Bea's French toast tastes really good

I carried the plate into the living room very carefully  because it is delicate. 

breaks easily; fragile


My favorite color is brown?


"Get up on stage and shine like a star!" This contains an example of A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. alliteration
What is A. simile.