Context Clues
Figurative Language
Testing Strategies

“Installment plan?” said the man. “Gertrude!” somebody screamed in a real irritating voice. I looked around. It was a parrot. She was sitting on top of one of the fish tanks, looking right at me. 

In the above selection, what does the word irritating mean?

A. low

B. curious

C. nervous

D. annoying

D. annoying


Which sentence from the story suggests that Phineas is embarrassed to ask for help?

F. Next, I needed a plan. (paragraph 2) 

G. I’m not allowed to use the stove. (paragraph 5) 

H. I felt my face turn red. (paragraph 8)

J. I couldn’t get the lid off the jar. (paragraph 12)


H. I felt my face turn red. (paragraph 8)


A Simile is...

When you compare two things using the words "like" or "as"


Where each line of text ends is called the...

Line break


The first thing you do when you see a new story is...

Read the title/Number paragraphs


A bee that had lighted close by began to buzz with laughter. “Will you tell me, if you please, what sort of house that is?” he cried. “The only sort of house I know how to make,” the caterpillar answered humbly. “I never heard of anything so absurd. Why don’t you hunt about and find a hollow tree or a good hive and live in that? Then you would be safe.” 

What is the meaning of absurd?

A. silly

B. messy

C. difficult

D. gloomy

A. silly


Which sentence does the author use to suggest that the caterpillar has experienced an important change? 

F. Up and down the caterpillar’s head moved, weaving and weaving. 

G. At last the veil grew so thick that you could only guess that the caterpillar might still be at work inside. 

H. But the caterpillar did not die. 

J. Many days and nights passed, and at last what had once been the caterpillar began to stir and wake.

J. Many days and nights passed, and at last what had once been the caterpillar began to stir and wake.


A Metaphor is...

When you compare two things by saying one "is" the other.


A group of lines within a poem is called a...



What strategy is used to figure out the author's purpose?



“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said as we headed toward her. “Mrs. Warden, can I ask you something?” I hesitated, but then just blurted out my question. “Is my epidermis showing?” 

In the above selection, what does the word hesitated mean?

A. paused

B. shivered

C. imagined

D. shouted

A. paused


Which sentence from the story shows that the caterpillar is successful at building a good house for itself? 

A. Every time the caterpillar’s head moved, it left behind something that looked like a glistening thread of silk. 

B. Through the veil you could still faintly see the caterpillar moving. 

C. The bee came by that way again and stopped to look at the little house. 

D. It was fast asleep in its little cocoon house, knowing not whether the sun shone or the rain beat down.

D. It was fast asleep in its little cocoon house, knowing not whether the sun shone or the rain beat down.


Human characteristics are given to non-human things is...



1    I’m in the doctor’s waiting room. 

2    My mom is counting sheep.
3    The music they play here could put 

4    an elephant to sleep. 

5    They’ve wallpapered with animals. 

6    This place looks like the zoo!
7    Do they think they can fool kids with

8    a kangaroo or two? 

Which words rhyme in each stanza of the poem?

A. The last words in the second and fourth lines

B. The last words in the first and fourth lines

C. The last words in the first third lines

D. The last words in every line

A. The last words in the second and fourth lines


When reading a question, you should...

underline or highlight key words


“Okay, I’ll do it,” I said as we headed toward her. “Mrs. Warden, can I ask you something?” I hesitated, but then just blurted out my question. “Is my epidermis showing?” 

In the above selection, what does the word hesitated mean?

A. paused

B. shivered

C. imagined

D. shouted

A. paused


Which sentence from the story shows that Marvin does not want to create more problems for his mother? 

F. “I can wear my old shoes,” Marvin offered.

G. “It’s not regular television,” Marvin tried to explain. 

H. Marvin didn’t know what to do. 

J. He slowly started up the stairs.

F. “I can wear my old shoes,” Marvin offered.


“A guilty feeling scratched at the back of my mind.”

The figurative language in this sentence shows that Brianna

A. is unable to remember important details about Jasmine

B. doubts her initial judgement of Jasmine’s motives

C. wonders whether she should also provide pizza to promote her            campaign

D. cannot decide whether to continue running for class president

B. doubts her initial judgement of Jasmine’s motives


Words that create images that appeal to the senses...



Before choosing your answer, you should first...

Read every answer.


I looked at the bottom of the tin. The price was $2.98. This presented a slight problem. You see, Mom had bought Harry and Vi Marshall a potted plant to apologize for my bike tracks in their new driveway. She and Dad were withholding my allowance until the plant was paid for. I knew that there was no point in asking them for the money. 

What is the meaning of the word withholding?

A. increasing in amount

B. punishing harshly

C. refusing to give

D. using as one’s property

C. refusing to give


Which sentence from the selection supports the idea that elephant herds try to guard themselves from danger?

A. But an elephant’s huge larynx produces very low sounds.

B. Some gestures—a twitch of an ear, a wag of the head—are so small that most people wouldn’t even notice them. 

C. They think it may help the elephants focus all their attention on the sounds and smells around them.

D. If you ever wonder what an elephant is paying attention to, don’t watch its eyes.

C. They think it may help the elephants focus all their attention on the sounds and smells around them.


“As the tidal wave of customers trickled to a stream,

 Mom and Dad rushed into the deli.”

The author includes this figurative language to show that the

A. customers come in and out of the deli at a steady pace

B. new customers got wet from the firefighter’s hoses at the festival

C. number of customers at the deli has become manageable

D. customers are upset at the first but calm by the time they leave

C. number of customers at the deli has become manageable


Where they tumble

And gather

In piles and drifts

These lines help the reader picture the way the leaves —

F. are colored

G. look along the street

H. sound as they fall

J. feel in the darkness

H. sound as they fall


Next to each answer you should write...

Evidence such as the sentence and paragraph.
