Raise Your Hand
How many students are allowed to go to the bathroom at once?
2 students
What voice level should students be at in the hallway?
Voice Level 0, no talking
What should students do when the whistle is blown at recess?
Grab any equipment you were using and line up next to teacher.
What is Beacon Academy's mascot's name?
Ollie the Otter
When a teacher says "show two" what does that mean?
Voices off, and looking at the speaker
2 Eyes, 2 Ears, 2 Seconds
When are appropriate times to use pillow and stuffed animals?
Quiet time, Independent Reading Time
What voice levels are appropriate in the media center/library?
voice level 0, or voice level 1
no talking or whisper
When should you go dump your tray at lunch?
When a teacher has dismissed the table
Who is Beacon Academy's principle?
Mr. Reeder
What do you do when you get in class?
Hang up belongings, read the board, and start morning work
What do students need to do before getting on their bus or leaving school with an adult at the end of the day?
Give teacher high five, fist bump, hug or wave to let them know your leaving.
What voice level should students be in the lunch room?
Voice level 2, table talk
Name at least three options for Quiet Time?
Read, Write, Rest, Color, Draw, Quiet time bins
When is it okay to run in the hallway?
Sitting in their desks in their classrooms
When are good times to use the bathroom?
Before School, Quiet Time, Transitions, Down Time
If you get to school before 8:45 where do you go?
(2 options)
Breakfast, or the PAC
What 2 things should students say to the lunchroom staff?
Please and Thank You
How many books can students have at their desk from the classroom library?
1-2 books
What ONLY two items should be on your desk at the end of the day?
When you come to school late (after 9:00 AM) what should you do?
Go to the office and get a pass.
Where are students allowed to be during recess?
(3 places)
Playground, field, or basketball hoop
What 3 words are about every door in Beacon Academy?
Community, Character, Rigor